#Wait #Spirit: 2018-04-18

• Negative feelings that wait on thinking will get worse.• Negative thoughts that wait on thinking will get worse.• Negative physical sensations that wait on thinking will get worse.• Thinking will never evolve into Spirit no matter how long you wait.•…


#Life #Contact: 2018-04-17

• Life is contact and contact is affirmation.• Do you make contact with your self or only with images of your self?• Do you make contact with others or only with images of others?• Do you make contact with nature or only with images of nature?• Do you …


#Narcissus #Self-Image: 2018-04-16

• What you love or treasure is what you spend your time on.• You spend your time looking at your self-image like Narcissus before you.• Like Narcissus, you cannot stop staring at your self-image; therefore, your real self wastes away and dies from star…


#Narcissus #Self-Image: 2018-04-16

• What you love or treasure is what you spend your time on.• You spend your time looking at your self-image like Narcissus before you.• Like Narcissus, you cannot stop staring at your self-image; therefore, your real self wastes away and dies from star…


#Equal #Responsibility: 2018-04-15

• The superior person is the person who continually finds areas of their life to take responsibility for.• Childishness, dependence, lack of accountability, and victimhood are not paths to equality, maturity, or success.• Feminists refuse responsibilit…


#Complain #Hypocrite: 2018-04-14

• If you are complaining about others’ lying, then isn’t it hypocritical to lie about others?• If you are complaining about others’ anger, then isn’t it hypocritical to be angry at others?• If you are complaining about others’ worrying, then isn’t it h…


#Opinion #Advice: 2018-04-13

• The fact that unsolicited advice is rarely appreciated might be attributed to a lack of diplomacy, presentation, timing, and other communication protocols.• The fact that solicited advice is often not appreciated can be attributed to the ego more tha…


#Idol #Ideology: 2018-04-12

• To dehumanize anyone is to dehumanize everyone.• To dehumanize an ideology is to dehumanize no one.• To concretize, hypostatize, reify, or thingify a human being is to murder that human being as things and thoughts.• To concretize, hypostatize, reify…


#Idol #Ideology: 2018-04-12

• To dehumanize anyone is to dehumanize everyone.• To dehumanize an ideology is to dehumanize no one.• To concretize, hypostatize, reify, or thingify a human being is to murder that human being as things and thoughts.• To concretize, hypostatize, reify…


#Try #Failing: 2018-04-11

• The team that tries the hardest to win will lose.• To try to do your best is to ensure that you will do your worst.• To try is to divide your energy and focus and so is to doom your results.• Many judgments and sayings about failing speak only about …
