#Immature #Mature: 2018-04-02

• Maturity is when you are responsible for your identity, heart, soul, mind, and body.• Immaturity is when you blame others for your identity, feelings, experiences, thoughts, and actions.• Maturity is when you use your abuse and suffering to fuel your…


#Logically #Reasonable: 2018-04-01

• If you move everything to the highest mental category, then all things are equal or the same.• If you move things down the mental categories, then everything is different at some level.• Learning when to move up or down the network of mental categori…


#Kindly #Undo: 2018-03-31

• No one can undo your past or self.• No one can undo your peace of mind.• No one can undo your service to virtue.• No one can undo your compassion or kindness.• No one can undo your recovery, rebirth, recuperation, redemption, reformation, rehabilitat…


#Self #Other: 2018-03-30

• Seeing the evil in others is seeing the evil in yourself.• When you attack any human being, you attack yourself.• When you seek to destroy another, you seek a deeper destruction for yourself.• It is impossible to criticize the nature of any human bei…


#Girls #Attract: 2018-03-29

• When girls wear clothes that accentuate their sexual parts, girls think they are being cute, but boys and adults think it is an expression of sexual desire.• When girls wear clothes that emphasize sexual attraction and display, girls think they are b…


#Self #Safe: 2018-03-28

• It is true that your ego is often not safe from human attack, but your self is always safe from human attack.• It is true that your body is often not safe from human attack, but your self is always safe from human attack.• It is true that your pride …


#Purpose #Conversation: 2018-03-27

• Is the purpose of this conversation to inspire or to uplift? Then I should keep it going.• Is the purpose of this conversation to share experience or knowledge? Then I should keep it going.• Is the purpose of this conversation to be right or to feel …


#Seeking #Preventing: 2018-03-26

• Seeking love is preventing love, because seeking is not loving.• Seeking riches is preventing riches, because seeking is not producing.• Seeking peace is preventing peace, because seeking is restless, not peaceful.• Seeking rest is preventing rest, b…


#Seek #Rest: 2018-03-25

• Do not seek love; instead, love others and virtues and love will live inside you.• Do not seek riches; instead, diligently perfect and perform your talents and your needs will be met.• Do not seek peace; instead, stop making, planning, and preparing …


#Try #Doing: 2018-03-24

• Trying is hard.• Trying is difficult.• Trying is impossible.• Doing is natural.• Doing is effortless.
