#Moment #Success 2017-07-17

• In the moment of skill, there can be no claiming of knowing, doing, or being anything.
• In the moment of talent, there can be no claiming of knowing, doing, or being anything.
• In the moment of success, there can be no claiming of knowing, doing, or being anything.
• In the moment of creativity, there can be no claiming of knowing, doing, or being anything.

• In the moment of insight or intelligence, there can be no claiming of knowing, doing, or being anything.


#Self #Aware: 2017-07-16

• I sense that I sense; therefore, I am.
• I sense that I sense; therefore, I have self-awareness.
• I sense that I sense; therefore, I am capable of choice.
• I sense that I sense; therefore, I am responsible for what I sense.

• I sense that I sense; therefore, I am capable of experience, memory, and sharing.


#Sense #Sensing: 2017-07-15

• Sense your heart sensing energy.
• Sense your soul sensing sensations.
• Sense your mind sensing thoughts.
• Sense your sensing and live in the light of consciousness.

• Sense your internal sensing and know that is your true self in action.


#Physical #Psychological: 2017-07-14

• Humans interpret physical symptoms to induce ego symptoms with no awareness of how insane that is.
• Humans interpret physical symptoms to induce self-story symptoms with no awareness of how insane that is.
• Humans interpret physical symptoms to induce self-esteem symptoms with no awareness of how insane that is.
• Humans interpret physical symptoms to induce social-esteem symptoms with no awareness of how insane that is.

• Humans interpret physical symptoms to induce psychological symptoms with no awareness of how insane that is.


#Mind #Nothing: 2017-07-13

• Who is acting on and doing things in your mind?
• Who is being acted upon and receiving the psychological actions in your mind?
• Realize that all your psychological actions are in regard to fictions and never about a real person, neither you nor others.
• Realize that all your psychological actions regarding things are actions towards incomplete representations of things and affect nothing real or tangible.

• There is no one and nothing in your mind; therefore, all your actions and attempts to do something to someone or something in your mind are psychotic reactions.


#Music #Musician: 2017-07-12

• The music is not the musical score.
• The music is not the musical audience.
• The music is not the musical recording.
• The music is not the musical instruments used.

• The music is not the musical group or the musical skills of the musicians.


#Sensing #Amplifying: 2017-07-11

• What am I sensing right now?
• What good could I be sensing right now?
• What am I amplifying right now?
• What good could I be amplifying right now?

• Will I finally own my power of choice for what to sense, share, and magnify?


#No #Sin: 2017-07-10

• Sin is a fire that never has light.
• Sin is a husk that never held a kernel.
• Sin is a cornstalk that never grew corn.
• Sin is a peanut shell that never held a peanut.

• Sin is a banana peel that never held a banana.


#Not #Trying: 2017-07-09

• Trying is not faith.
• Trying is not humility.
• Trying is not surrender.
• Trying is not the path or way.

• Trying is not meditation, no-mind, non-doing, prayer, or a part of any spiritual method or practice.


#Self-Esteem #Lies: 2017-07-08

• Lies such as self-esteem are impure while truth is pure.
• Lies like self-esteem are convoluted while truth is clear.
• Lies such as self-esteem are complicated while truth is simple.
• Lies like self-esteem have no integrity while truth has perfect integrity.

• Lies such as self-esteem are changing and variable while truth is constant and inviolable.
