#No #Self: 2017-06-28

• You have no self as any concept or image.
• You have no self in the form of any thing or thought.
• You have no self as characteristics, habits, personalities, traits, or types.
• You have no self in the form of events, experiences, histories, memories, narratives, or stories.

• You have no self as attachments, becomings, changings, claims, evolvings, knowings, masks, personas, possessions, or roles.


#Transceiver #Mind: 2017-06-27

• The mind is a radio upon which signals are received and sent, but the mind is mistaken for the signals received and sent.
• The mind is a television upon which signals are received and sent, but the mind is mistaken for the signals received and sent.
• The mind is a transceiver upon which signals are received and sent, but the mind is mistaken for the signals received and sent.
• The mind is a satellite dish upon which signals are received and sent, but the mind is mistaken for the signals received and sent.

• The mind is a mobile phone upon which signals are received and sent, but the mind is mistaken for the signals received and sent.


#Star #Lake: 2017-06-26

• The mind is a lake upon which stars are reflected, but the mind is mistaken for the stars.
• The mind is a mirror upon which thoughts are reflected, but the mind is mistaken for the thoughts.
• The mind is a reflector upon which thoughts are reflected, but the mind is mistaken for the reflections.
• The mind is a movie screen upon which thoughts are projected, but the mind is mistaken for the projections.

• The mind is a computer screen upon which thoughts are projected, but the mind is mistaken for the projections.


#Thought #Thing: 2017-06-25

• Should self be reduced to things and thoughts for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
• Should self be reduced to behaviors and habits for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
• Should self be reduced to cartoons and movies for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?
• Should self be reduced to concepts and images for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?

• Should self be reduced to experiences and memories for the sake of the machinations and manipulations of ego, self-esteem, and self-talk?


#Marionette #Puppet: 2017-06-24

• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a marionette or puppet to be controlled.
• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as an effigy to be embarrassed and shamed.
• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a voodoo doll to be tortured in order to make you behave better.
• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a cartoon character that needs to be redrawn to conform to ever changing standards.

• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a print or portrait that needs to be modified to fit ever changing demands and expectations.


#Object #Thing: 2017-06-23

• Self-esteem and self-talk treat your self as a thing.
• Self-esteem and self-talk view your self as an object.
• Self-esteem and self-talk regard your self as a doll or mannequin for clothing and reclothing.
• Self-esteem and self-talk consider your self to be a painting that is always in need of repainting.

• Self-esteem and self-talk believe your self to be a movie that needs continual editing and rewriting.


#River #Float: 2017-06-22

• Do not push or pull on the river of your mind—sail.
• Do not push or pull on the river of your mind—float.
• Do not push or pull on the river of your mind—swim.
• Do not push or pull on the river of your mind—paddle or row.

• Do not push or pull on the river of your mind—make a canoe or a raft to go downstream.


#People #Mirror: 2017-06-21

• People without faith are faithless.
• People who hate haters are haters.
• People who don’t trust are untrustworthy.
• People who whine about whining are whiners.

• Be assured that whatever anyone intensely dislikes about others–that they have in themselves.


#Confidence #Gateway: 2017-06-20

• Confidence does nothing of or by itself.
• Confidence like faith is a means to an end.
• Confidence is used to find a gateway for relying on Energy.
• Without confidence, people rely on fear, self-talk, and suppression and thereby fail.

• Confidence is a lesson on how relying on and submitting to Energy, Power, and Spirit works well.


#Follow #Out: 2017-06-19

• Do not respond to self-talk.
• Do not defend against self-talk.
• Do not obey or submit to self-talk.
• Do not engage with or relate to self-talk.

• Follow out, hear out, meditate out, and thereby bring self-talk to its natural end.
