#Replace #Self-Talk: 2017-06-08

• Replace self-talk with practical and productive thoughts, feelings, and actions that are antagonistic to or in opposition to self-talk.
• Replace self-talk by investing your energy and time in your relationships, values, and your belief in the equality and universality of human nature.
• Replace self-talk by refusing to use concepts, ideas, and images of human beings; and, instead, to always honor all people as indescribable and unknowable beings.
• Replace dehumanizing self-talk by refusing to reduce any human being to behaviors, comparisons, things, or thoughts; and, by accepting all human beings but not all human behaviors.

• Replace self-talk’s inconsistent, illogical, and irrational processes with consistent, logical, and rational processes that are based upon evidence, experience, and results.


#Remove #Self-Talk: 2017-06-07

• Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling self-talk as being impractical and unproductive.
• Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is your worst energy and time waster.
• Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is talking about concepts, ideas, and images of human beings, but never human beings themselves.
• Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk is dehumanizing, because self-talk talks about you as behaviors, comparisons, and things, not as a living being.

• Remove self-talk by strongly experiencing and feeling that self-talk adheres to no consistent, logical, or rational processes; but, instead, follows chaotic, desperate, erratic, and foolish processes.


#Recognize #Self-Talk: 2017-06-06

• Recognize that self-talk is neither practical nor productive.
• Recognize that self-talk is your worst energy and time waster.
• Recognize that self-talk is talking about concepts, ideas, and images of human beings, but never human beings themselves.
• Recognize that self-talk is dehumanizing, because it talks about you as behaviors, comparisons, and things, not as a living being.

• Recognize that self-talk adheres to no consistent, logical, or rational processes; but, instead, follows chaotic, desperate, and erratic processes.


#Recognize #Self-Talk: 2017-06-06

• Recognize that self-talk is neither practical nor productive.
• Recognize that self-talk is your worst energy and time waster.
• Recognize that self-talk is talking about concepts, ideas, and images of human beings, but never human beings themselves.
• Recognize that self-talk is dehumanizing, because it talks about you as behaviors, comparisons, and things, not as a living being.

• Recognize that self-talk adheres to no consistent, logical, or rational processes; but, instead, follows chaotic, desperate, and erratic processes.


#Cope #Redirect: 2017-06-05

• People cope with self-talk by turning its criticalness onto causes and politics.
• People cope with self-talk by turning its nagging onto those they live with.
• People cope with self-talk by turning its quibbling onto others through gossip.
• People cope with self-talk by turning its faultfinding onto the media, the news, and TV shows.

• People cope with self-talk by turning its carping onto other races, religions, or other self-righteous targets.


#Termites #Mind: 2017-06-04

• Self-talk in your mind is like cancer in your heart.
• Self-talk in your mind is like termites in your house.
• Self-talk in your mind is like a disease in your brain.
• Self-talk in your mind is like parasites in your stomach.

• Self-talk in your mind is like ants and rats in your food storage.


#Identity #Competition: 2017-06-03

• Self-talk is competition for your identity.
• Self-talk wants to steal your identity for itself.
• Self-talk ends when you keep your identity for your being.
• Self-talk is a fight to see who gets to keep talking by claiming your identity.

• Self-talk becomes bearable when you fixate on one main concept or image identity and allow continuous variations to keep babbling.


#Self-talk #Talks: 2017-06-02

• Self-talk talks about you as if you were not there.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you are not listening.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a piece of furniture in the room of your mind.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a computer variable to be manipulated; rather, than as a living being to be valued.

• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a shell of a person or a holding spot for self-concepts and self-images that was not worth talking directly to.


#Self-talk #Talks: 2017-06-02

• Self-talk talks about you as if you were not there.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you are not listening.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a piece of furniture in the room of your mind.
• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a computer variable to be manipulated; rather, than as a living being to be valued.

• Self-talk talks about you as if you were a shell of a person or a holding spot for self-concepts and self-images that was not worth talking directly to.


#Control #Business: 2017-06-01

• Focus your life on what you can control, not on what you cannot control.
• Your business is what you can control, and what you cannot control is not your business.
• Worry about doing right what you can control, don’t worry about others doing right what they control.
• Take full responsibility and care for what you can control, and take no responsibility or care for what you cannot control.

• What would the world look like if everyone did the best at what they could control instead of bothering about what was not in their control?
