3D: Daily Dose of Discernment: 2025

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3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

Kevin Everett FitzMaurice, M.S. (2025) Daily Quotations

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

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3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

There Is More than Meets the Eye: 01-17-2025

  1. You know there is more to you than the views of evolution and science allow for because you sometimes experience a deeper, invisible, and unnameable reality of your being. Be brave, stay the course, and pursue it.
  2. You know there is more to you than the views of evolution and science allow for because you experience yourself as more than an animal seeking pleasure without meaning or purpose. Be brave, stay the course, and pursue it.
  3. You know there is more to you than the views of evolution and science allow for because you sometimes experience a dimension to reality that is not materialistic or measurable with science. Be brave, stay the course, and pursue it.
  4. You know there is more to you than the views of evolution and science allow for because you sometimes experience a dimension to reality that is not materialistic and cannot be explained away because it appears more real than your common-day reality. Be brave, stay the course, and pursue it.
  5. You know there is more to you than the views of evolution and science allow for because you experience yourself as more than an animal seeking pleasure without meaning or purpose when you experience transformative moments of unbounded and unconditional love for your spouse, child, parents, and friends. Be brave, stay the course, and pursue it.

Human Nature Has a Problem: 01-16-2025

  1. Human history is filled with wickedness in the name of goodness.
  2. The beautifulest plan made by humans will require the ugliest execution.
  3. The higher the virtue human nature seeks, the more suppression and repression will be required.
  4. The greater the ideal human nature seeks, the greater the murder and genocide that will be committed.
  5. The more noble the purpose human nature seeks, the more devious and vicious the means used to achieve it will be.

Virtue Requires Action: 01-15-2025

  1. The godly do good works, or they are hypocrites and phonies.
  2. Salvation is a gift from God that you do not have if you do not engage in good works.
  3. If you are not helping anyone but yourself and those close to you, you are not helping anyone.
  4. If you don’t like your lot in life, learn the right actions to improve it, none of which will include whining or inactivity.
  5. Charity begins at home because you must take care of your own; however, if charity ends there, so do your chances to enter Heaven.

Failing by Choice: 01-14-2025

  1. You can know exactly what to do, but if you don’t trust it can be done through you, you will somehow sabotage it.
  2. You can practice what to do until it becomes automatic, but if you don’t believe it can be done through you, you will short-circuit it somehow.
  3. You can have done the same thing many times before, but if you don’t have faith that it can be done through you this time, you will somehow subvert it.
  4. You can easily perform something; however, this is the first time you have been pressured to do it, and you lack confidence that you can do it under pressure, so somehow, you spoil it.
  5. You can easily perform something; however, this is the first time people have been watching you perform it, and you lack conviction that you can do it in front of people, so somehow, you scuttle it.

Humans Are Not Animals: 01-13-2025

  1. Animals are aware of life only on the outside.
  2. Animals are aware of the life of their body, not their brain, thoughts, instincts, memories, or conditioning.
  3. When animals dream, it is their body that dreams, not their mind.
  4. Humans are aware of life on the inside and outside.
  5. Humans are aware of the life of their physical and spiritual bodies (which animals do not have).
  6. When humans dream, their minds dream, not their bodies.
  7. Humans can switch their feelings, thoughts, memories, and conditioning; however, animals cannot.

You Cannot Change Yourself: 01-12-2025

  1. Common fools want to change society to change themselves.
  2. Complete fools want to change others to change themselves.
  3. Intelligent people want to change themselves to change themselves.
  4. Wise people don’t want to change themselves; they want to surrender themselves to God.
  5. You cannot change yourself; however, you can change your habits and beliefs for the better.
  6. God can change you through the death and resurrection of the Savior of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Life Requires Contact: 01-11-2025

  1. Are you mainly in contact with thinking?
  2. Are you in direct contact with the material world?
  3. Are you in direct contact with the spiritual world?
  4. Adults are mainly in contact with thinking about people, places, and things, not with people, places, and things.
  5. You will have a better life when you are in direct contact with the spiritual world more than the material world and the material world more than the verbal (thinking) world.

Nothing Else Is It: 01-10-2025

  1. Nothing is true but truth.
  2. Nothing is good but God.
  3. Nothing is a fact but a fact.
  4. Nothing is logical but logic.
  5. Nothing makes sense but sense.
  6. Nothing is reasonable but reason.

Live As a Being: 01-09-2025

  1. Your being cannot be codified.
  2. Your being cannot be captured by names.
  3. Your being cannot be stopped in order to measure it.
  4. Your being is invisible and only knowable by its effects.
  5. You can contact your being but not know it as something.

Knowing Is Your Enemy: 01-08-2025

  1. You are a non-knowing being.
  2. Not knowing is the beginning and end.
  3. It is a gift to know that you cannot know.
  4. It is a pleasure and privilege to host and serve knowing.
  5. Claims to know are claims to have intelligence independent from God, which is impossible.

Stop Globalism Before It’s Too Late: 01-07-2025

  1. Don’t get lost in the symptoms of Globalism, but work directly to destroy Globalism itself.
  2. You must educate family, friends, and neighbors until enough resistance exists to foil Globalism.
  3. You must work against the organizations and billionaires working to establish Globalism for all time.
  4. Focus on the big picture, Globalism, because then all the political machinations and turmoil will make sense.
  5. You must understand the many ways in which Globalism is working to destroy governments, control the common person, and thwart each plan.

Religions Are Different: 01-06-2025

  1. Buddhism is a system that focuses on you, and Christianity is a system that focuses on God.
  2. Buddhism is a system of merit, and Christianity is a system of grace, of receiving an unearned gift.
  3. Buddhism is a system of life’s preparation for enlightenment, and Christianity is a system of God’s preparation for salvation.
  4. Buddhism is a system of self-development to earn its goal, and Christianity is a system of self-surrender and self-negation to prepare for its goal.
  5. Buddhism is a system of worshiping enlightenment and enlightened beings, and Christianity is a system of worshiping the one true God and no one and nothing else.

Lock Your Doors to Evil: 01-05-2025

  1. You don’t allow rats to live in your house, but you allow worse to live in your heart, soul, and mind.
  2. You don’t allow cockroaches to live in your house, but you allow worse to live in your heart, soul, and mind.
  3. If you have pets, you are careful to feed them good food. However, you allow your heart, soul, and mind to overeat bad food.
  4. You don’t allow your home to fill with dirt and trash; however, you will allow your heart, soul, and mind to fill with dirt and trash.
  5. If you have little children in your home, you are careful to keep all poisons and toxins away from them; however, you do not keep all poisons and toxins away from your heart, soul, and mind.

Self-Stories Are Self-Delusions: 01-04-2025

  1. Self-stories are relationships with semantic dreams, not people.
  2. Self-stories are relationships with self-constructions, not people.
  3. Self-stories are relationships with knowings about people, not people.
  4. Self-stories are relationships with measurements of people, not people.
  5. Self-stories are relationships with story creation and editing, not people.

You Are the Gatekeeper of Your Mind: 01-03-2025

  1. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is like punching yourself in the nose. You can choose to stop this.
  2. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is self-defeating, self-disturbing, and self-punishing. You can choose to stop this.
  3. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is emotionally and mentally harmful and not something you would tolerate from another. You can choose to stop this.
  4. Do not assume anything talking inside you is talking for you.
  5. Do not assume that the lazy, stimulation-seeking talk inside you must be yours; rather, assume it is a challenge to choose better.

Value Your Inner Attention: 01-02-2025

  1. What facts say I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  2. Where is the evidence I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  3. What laws or rules say I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  4. What is the logic that says I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  5. What are the practical reasons I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?

Voices in Your Head: 01-01-2025

  1. Some call the voices in your head voices.
  2. Some call the voices in your head your chattering mind.
  3. Some call the voices in your head your random thoughts.
  4. Some call the voices in your head, your mind trying to resolve unfinished business.
  5. Some call the voices in your head your primitive urges, competing with your social urges.
  6. Some call the voices in your head the drives and conflicts of your parental, reason, and child natures for control.
  7. Some call the voices in your head the programming of your parents and society acting out their conflicts with your natural drives.
  8. Some deny you have voices in your head, but only thoughts that come out of nowhere that frequently mean nothing, which can be ignored as random waste.

  • Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

Some Twitter Versions of Quotations

  1. Twitter Variation of 2015 Postings
  2. Twitter Variation of 2016 Postings
  3. Twitter Variation of 2017 Postings
  4. Twitter Variation of 2018 Postings

  • Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.

Daily Quotations for 2021

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

Descriptions of FitzMaurice’s Books of Aphorisms & Sayings

  1. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4
  2. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2005
  3. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2006
  4. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2007
  5. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2008
  6. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2009
  7. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2010
  8. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2011
  9. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2014
  10. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2015
  11. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2016
  12. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2017
  13. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2018
  14. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2019
  15. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2020
  16. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2021
  17. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2022
  18. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2023
  19. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2024
  20. Description: Acid Test
  21. Description: Anything Goes
  22. Description: Garbage Rules
  23. Description: Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.
  24. Description: Something For Nothing

  • Read for the best breathing exercise in the world for your feelings and stress.

Daily Quotations for 2021

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025


  1. Description: 2 Perform Use 2-Minds
  2. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2003-4
  3. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2005
  4. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2006
  5. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2007
  6. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2008
  7. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2009
  8. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2010
  9. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2011
  10. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2014
  11. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2015
  12. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2016
  13. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2017
  14. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2018
  15. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2019
  16. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2020
  17. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2021
  18. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2022
  19. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2023
  20. Description: 3D: Daily Dose: 2024
  21. Description: Acid Test
  22. Description: Anything Goes
  23. Description: Attitude Is All You Need! Second Edition
  24. Description: Breathe
  25. Description: Buddha Failed: 25 Reasons
  26. Description: Carl Rogers, Control Freak
  27. Description: Christian Idols
  28. Description: Christian Scripture
  29. Description: Christian Sex
  30. Description: Discovery Demands 5TP
  31. Description: Ego
  32. Description: Ego Playground
  33. Description: Fast-Facts: Feelings
  34. Description: Fast-Facts: Self-Esteem
  35. Description: Fast-Facts: Semantics
  36. Description: Feeling-Intention Therapy
  37. Description: Games Ego Plays
  38. Description: Garbage Rules
  39. Description: Garden
  40. Description: Globalism God
  41. Description: How To Govern Anything
  42. Description: Jesus Speaks About Jesus
  43. Description: Journal Journey from Ego
  44. Description: Life Skills: 10 Mental Skills
  45. Description: Life Skills: 10 Spiritual Skills
  46. Description: Mind-Moving (M-M): Healing’s Unifying Principle
  47. Description: Nobody Speaks
  48. Description: Nobody Speaks-2
  49. Description: Not
  50. Description: Nothing About Nothing
  51. Description: Planet Earth: Insane Asylum for the Universe, 2nd Ed.
  52. Description: Problem Solved! 3Rs
  53. Description: Rocket-Mind (R-M)
  54. Description: Satan Stories
  55. Description: Secret of Maturity, 4th Edition
  56. Description: Self: Who Am I?
  57. Description: Sinners Anonymous: Group Rules, 2nd Ed.
  58. Description: Something For Nothing
  59. Description: Spiritual Surrender’s Seven Steps
  60. Description: Stiffer: Stoic Mind
  61. Description: Stress for Success, 2nd Ed.
  62. Description: The Secret of Maturity, 3rd Ed.
  63. Description: The Seventh Way, 2nd Edition
  64. Description: The Story of Life
  65. Description: What’s Your Story?
  66. Description: We’re All Insane! 2nd Ed.
  67. Description: World Within: The Inner Life
  68. Description: World’s Worst Question

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

on Acceptance

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2025

All Menus Menu

  1. 6 Groups of Topics Menu
  2. 9 Skills & Topics Menu
  3. Author & Quotations Menu
  4. Book Information & Help Menu
  5. Book Topics: 13 Sections Menu
  6. Books by 10 Topics Menu
  7. Ego, Self-Esteem, & Self-Nature Menu
  8. Fast-Facts by Book Menu
  9. Fast-Facts by Topic Menu
  10. Fast-Facts by Year Menu
  11. Free Education Menu
  12. Free Information Menu
  13. Green Tea Menu
  14. Homosexuality Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.

on Acceptance

  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for centering and peace of mind.

3D Daily Dose of Discernment 2024 Quotations Better Topics and cover for Breathe Your Mind.