#Wrong #Right: 2018-06-02

• History teaches that humans must pursue doing things the wrong ways before they are ever going to find the best ways to do things; therefore, forgive others and yourself for failing while learning.
• Humans must seek to have the wrong information if they are ever going to have the correct information; because there is simply too much misinformation, misinterpretation, and misrepresentation in the world for it not to cloud and infect your thinking.
• You will make mistakes many times before you learn the best ways to do things; therefore, greet your mistakes as steps to your goal of learning the best ways.
• You will have the wrong opinion (model) many times before you will have an accurate, best, functional, or right opinion about something; therefore, greet recognizing your wrong opinions (models) as progress along the process of discovery.

• If your ego (a.k.a. self-esteem) cannot stand recognizing that you have wrong behaviors, habits, models, responses, and thinking, then you are doomed to having inferior emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills.