•1 Worry about something, for the reason that you can claim doing without having to do anything but worry and without having to face the inevitable failure of trying to prepare for all contingencies.
•2 Blame and damn something, for the reason that you can claim doing without having to do anything but blame and without having to face the inevitable failure of trying to make everything better.
•3 Whine and be angry about something, for the reason that you can claim doing without having to do anything but whine and without having to face the inevitable failure of trying to fix all the problems.
•4 Sabotage something, for the reason that you can claim doing without having to do anything constructive or positive and without having to face the inevitable failure of trying to fix or improve everything.
•5 Persecute or punish someone or something, for the reason that you can claim doing without having to do anything but persecute and without having to face the inevitable failure of trying to do only creative and innovative things to improve situations.