#Activist #Politician: 2018-07-09

• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because they exploit problems for fame, funding, pride, and votes.
• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because they spout slogans that hide the manifold causes and roots of problems.
• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because instead of problem-solving they propose blind, disproven, limited, narrow, politically correct, or unproven solutions.
• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because instead of seeking to understand all of the factors that go into causing problems like poverty and violence, they promote programs that address only political issues but satisfy mob emotions and outrage.

• Politicians and activists should wake up to their lack of care, compassion, conscience, and integrity and take some problem-solving courses to learn how to recognize and deal with all the variables of problems while testing potential solutions regardless of their political source.