#Thoughtless #Oneness: 2018-11-01

•1 Who are you when you reach a thoughtless state if you believe that you are your thoughts?•2 If you are your thoughts, then who inside you is seeing, hearing, and touching your thoughts?•3 Who are you when you become one with the universe if you beli…


#Do #Nothing: 2018-10-31

•1 There is nothing to do because doing is a delusion.•2 There is nothing to do because claiming doing is the problem, not the solution.•3 There is nothing to do because doing is never done by you but only through you.•4 There is nothing to do because …


#Perspective #Curative: 2018-10-30

•1 Perspective is curative because it can stop the mind from looping (going in useless circles).•2 Perspective is curative because it can help the mind to escape rigid thinking traps that are stuck between two opposites.•3 Perspective is curative becau…


#Not #Thought: 2018-10-29

•1 It is a lie to say that people are their thoughts because people have thoughts and that demonstrates that there is someone having thoughts who is not what they are containing, having, or hosting.•2 It is a lie to say that people are their thoughts b…


#Routine #Nature: 2018-10-28

•1 Routine is life supporting because without the routines of the sun and earth there would be no life.•2 The birds and the bees have a routine and also variability and freedom of action within that routine.•3 The routines of nature are so precise that…


#Come #Through: 2018-10-27

•1 No good comes from me, but great good can come through me (vessel).•2 No good is caused or created by me, but good can easily come through me (transceiver).•3 No good is chosen by me that does not first choose me as a host, but once chosen by the go…


#Surrender #Practical: 2018-10-26

•1 You surrender when getting on an airplane and it leaves the ground.•2 You surrender when you are a passenger in a taxi, and the taxi enters a fast and busy highway.•3 Surrender is common and easy to find if you are open to noticing it or looking for…


#Exception #Thinking: 2018-10-25

•1 Exception thinking looks for or imagines an error, flaw, or imperfection and focuses on that as an entire event, experience, or situation.•2 Integration thinking looks for or imagines agreement, a linkable piece, a part of some greater whole, a shar…


#Responsible #Women: 2018-10-24

•1 You cannot be both a constant victim and mature.•2 Holding men responsible for everything and women responsible for nothing infantilizes women.•3 The child avoids responsibility to avoid atonement, blame, change, and punishment.•4 The mature person …


#Cause #Feelings: 2018-10-23

•1 You will cause yourself feelings whenever you take things to be too hard or too heavy.•2 You will cause yourself feelings whenever you take things to be too important or too serious.•3 You will cause yourself feelings whenever you take things to be …
