#Country #Borders: 2018-07-12

•1 A country without borders is like a body without skin.•2 A country without borders is like a baby without safety limits.•3 A country without borders is like a child without safety boundaries.•4 A country without borders is like a highway without saf…


#Worse #Fate: 2018-07-11

• To escape a lion, a man jumped into quicksand.• To escape a war, a man jumped ship into a river of alligators.• To escape a sinking ship, a man jumped into a school of sharks.• To escape a swarm of bees, a man jumped into a river of piranhas.• To esc…


#Activist #Politician: 2018-07-09

• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because they exploit problems for fame, funding, pride, and votes.• Politicians and activists are often part of the problem, not the solution, because they spout slogans that …


#Being #Lost: 2018-07-08

• Being cannot be known, done, or something.• If you are trying to know being, then knowing is being, and your time and self is sacrificed.• If you are trying to be, then trying is being, and you are left out in the cold darkness.• If you are trying to…


#Idolatry #Ego: 2018-07-07

• All idolatry is the idealization of ego.• All beautiful statues of god, gods, and goddesses are statues of ego beautifully disguised.• All glorifications of pictures of god, gods, and goddesses are glorifications of states of ideal ego.• All worship …


#Ego #Idol: 2018-07-06

• All idols represent ego fantasies.• All statues of god, gods, and goddesses are statues of ego.• All pictures of god, gods, and goddesses are pictures of ego.• All symbols of god, gods, and goddesses are symbols of ego.• All things that claim to lead…


#False #Paths: 2018-07-05

• All false paths preach the highest ego as god.• All false paths praise and worship perfect ego.• All false paths teach the same falsehoods about saving the world with ideal ego.• All false paths lead to the same end of making ego appear to be the hig…


#Suffer #Self-talk: 2018-07-04

• Suffer self-talk suffering.• Suffer self-talk screaming its way out.• Suffer self-talk’s desperation at not owning your identity.• Suffer self-talk’s pleas for your consciousness in order to continue itself.• Suffer self-talk’s wailing, gnashing of t…


#Own #Self: 2018-07-03

• Do you own the things that you purchase? No, they are lost along the way or when you die.• Do you own your thoughts or creative ideas? No, they are altered, copied, distorted, exaggerated, forgotten, improved, misanalyzed, misattributed, misinterpret…


#Understanding #Forgiveness: 2018-07-02

• Understanding people leads to forgiving people.• Understanding oneself leads to forgiving oneself.• Understanding one’s family leads to forgiving one’s family.• Understanding human nature leads to forgiving human nature.• Understanding life leads to …
