#Try #Failing: 2018-06-14

• Trying fails because it is a form of no-ting, of denying failure and thereby focusing on failure.• Complaining and whining fail because they are a form of no-ting, of denying some negative reality and thereby focusing on, feeding, and increasing that…


#Cannot #Done: 2018-06-13

• People who say that something cannot be done inspire brave souls to do it anyway.• People who say that something cannot be done block themselves but not farsighted pioneers.• People who say that something cannot be done should not interfere with peop…


#Nothing #Negative: 2018-06-12

• Negative energy can never fix a negative life.• Negative energy can never magically become positive.• Negative energy can never rescue you from other negatives.• Negative energy can never become positive energy even if it is later viewed positively.•…


#Women #Men: 2018-06-11

• Women at their best put the needs of another first and women at their worst put their need to be right first.• Men at their best put the needs of the community first and men at their worst put their need for pride first.• Women fail at doing their be…


#No-ting #Problem: 2018-06-10

• Thinking something should not be (no-ting) will not cause you to be magically rescued from it.• Thinking something should not be (no-ting) because it is wrong will neither improve it nor lessen it.• Having faith or hope that your thinking that someth…


#Pleasure #Sensations: 2018-06-09

• Pleasure is sensations of beauty and pain is sensations of ugliness, and these sensations are themselves either beautiful or ugly on a microscopic level.• Pleasure is either from sensations of the names or images of beauty, with names having the powe…


#Hope #Faith: 2018-06-08

• How do you wait? Internally, you rely on receiving, not trying.• How do you wait? Internally, you focus on solutions, not problems.• How do you wait? Internally, you sit quietly and hope for the Good.• How do you wait? Internally, you are still while…


#Return #Rest: 2018-06-07

• To wait is to return to the Good as your guide.• To wait is to rest in the Good as your strength.• To wait is to reduce ego-dependence and to increase God-dependence.• To wait is to go in reverse of the perverse world which is forward or self-promoti…


#Wait #Active: 2018-06-06

• To receive you must wait, but know that waiting is active, not passive.• To use your skill, you must wait on your skill.• To use your talent, you must wait on your talent.• To be under the Good, you must wait on the Good.• All human knowing and doing…


#Fossil #Calcify 2018-06-05

• Ego a.k.a. self-esteem is the result of the accretion of thinking.• Ego a.k.a. self-esteem is the result of the ossification of thinking.• Ego a.k.a. self-esteem is the result of the fossilization of thinking.• Ego a.k.a. self-esteem is the result of…
