#Problem #Violence: 2018-02-12

• Blaming people is emotional violence.• Apartheid and racism are emotional violence.• Despising and hating people are emotional violence.• Damning and discrediting people are emotional violence.• End emotional violence and end most of your problems….


#Heaven #Hell: 2018-02-11

• Inside your own space, you can have a heaven or a hell.• Inside your own space, you can whine and worry enough to ruin any experience.• Inside your own space, you can blame and damn in order to keep hate as your mission.• Inside your own space, you c…


#Examine #Discuss: 2018-02-10

• In the world, the emotional violence of nagging people is rarely examined or discussed.• In the world, the emotional violence of bossing yourself or others is never examined or discussed.• In the world, the emotional violence of demanding what people…


#Drive #Motivation: 2018-02-09

• Political correctness (PC) is driven by the right to inflict emotional violence, and not by ideals, goodness, or morality.• Prisons are driven by the right to inflict emotional violence, and not by recovery, redemption, reform, or rehabilitation.• In…


#Persistence #Real: 2018-02-08

• Thoughts in the mind are not the mind, because the mind persists after them.• Feelings in the heart are not the heart, because the heart persists after them.• Sensations in the body are not the body, because the body persists after them.• Sensations …


#Justify #Violence: 2018-02-07

• Responding to violence with violence teaches violence.• Responding to violence with violence justifies violence.• Responding to violence with violence keeps everyone down.• Responding to violence with violence multiplies violence (emotional and physi…


#Violence #Infects: 2018-02-06

• Violence as method produces violent results.• People who want to harm outsiders will also harm their own.• Those who believe in violence will become infected with violence.• Those who use violence to get what they want will get a violent outcome.• Yo…


#General #Exception: 2018-02-05

• Deceivers use exceptions to pretend the exceptions are a better generalization than an existing generalized rule.• Rules are based on generalizations (not specifics) in order to have general application and relevance.• Rules based on exceptions are f…


#Make #You: 2018-02-04

• Sports cannot make you anything.• Popularity cannot change who you are.• Career cannot evolve or develop you into anything.• Fortune cannot grow or increase you into something.• Family, friends, and social interactions can affect who and what your eg…


#Ego #Composition: 2018-02-03

• Ego is composed of thought, but human beings are not.• Ego is composed of narrative and story, but your self is not.• Ego is composed of experiences and memories, but your being is not.• Ego is composed of concepts and images, but your personhood is …
