#Gold #Mine: 2018-01-13

• You don’t bring gold into a gold mine.• You don’t bring buckets of water to the river.• You should serve the poor, not the rich.• You should help the hospitalized and imprisoned, not the hoarding and indolent rich.• Providing clothes, food, and shelt…


#Ego #Ghost: 2018-01-12

• Ego is the ghost in the mind.• Ego is the imaginary self running your life.• Ego is the haunting of your mind with dreams of pride and shame.• Ego is the hacker trying to steal your identity using your internal-internet passwords.• Ego is the imagina…


#Faith #Despair: 2018-01-11

• Despair is faith in death, darkness, and destruction.• Despair is hope that death, darkness, and destruction will finally win and thereby provide relief.• Despair is charity (kind thinking or positive claims) for death, darkness, and destruction.• De…


#Men’s #Fault: 2018-01-10

• If everything is men’s fault, that means women are children.• If everything is men’s fault, that means women are impotent.• If everything is men’s fault, that means women are not a part of society.• If everything is men’s fault, that means women are …


#Suffer #Well: 2018-01-09

• The problem with most people is that they do not know how to suffer well.• Successful people know how to suffer well in at least a few significant areas.• Relationships end when both parties are unable to suffer well the inevitable conflicts.• To suf…


#Use #Suffering: 2018-01-08

• You can use your suffering to be antisocial or to rebel.• You can use your suffering to be a parasite or a victim.• You can use your suffering to be lazy and to procrastinate.• You can use your suffering to be a gossip, to backstab, to sabotage, and …


#Life #Act: 2018-01-07

• Are you role-playing through life?• Are you acting an acceptable part when others are around?• Whose life are you portraying when you are acting around others?• Is your audience aware that your performance is not based upon your self?• Do you realize…


#Duality #Triality: 2018-01-06

• There is no duality, only triality.• A thesis and its antithesis exist only in relation to a nil-thesis.• The existence of opposites requires a middle ground in-between them.• Positive and negative dualities require a neutral space to separate them.•…


#Thought #Thinking: 2018-01-05

• Thought convinced thinking both that it thought and was thought.• Thought convinced language that meaning was in words, not experience.• Thought convinced language that definitions were evidence and experience.• Thought convinced thinking that freque…


#Cause #Correlation: 2018-01-04

• The adding together of ideas proves that they can be added together but nothing else.• A collection of supporting ideas does not support the existence of supporting experiences.• Expertly crafted and added together ideas amount to a collection of ide…
