#Future #Past: 2017-12-16

• The best future is in the past.• The way to the future is to return to the past.• A future that does not contain the past is not a future.• To build a worthwhile building a strong foundation is needed and that foundation for the world is the past.• J…


#Mind #Thinking: 2017-12-15

• Thinking is no more the mind than TV shows are the TV.• Thinking is no more your brain than music is the radio it comes from.• Thinking is no more the signals in your head than cable shows are the signals from satellite dishes.• Thinking is no more t…


#Double #Trouble: 2017-12-14

• Who thinks like this, “Leave me alone but don’t ignore me.”• Who thinks like this, “Give me space but keep me in your space.”• Who thinks like this, “Don’t talk to me but don’t stop thinking about me.”• Who thinks like this, “I am going to ignore you…


#Political #Violence: 2017-12-13

• Emotional violence is the undeclared epidemic of our time.• News and politics focus on one-upmanship emotional violence.• Emotional violence dominates the entertainment and media industries.• Women are given encouragement and license to engage in emo…


#Suffer #Well: 2017-12-12

• To suffer well, suffer and feel out your inner ugliness.• To suffer well, suffer and feel out your guilt and shame.• To suffer well, suffer and feel out your ego anxiety and pain.• To suffer well, suffer and feel out your trials and tribulations.• To…


#Emotional #Violence: 2017-12-11

• Civilized societies move from physical violence to emotional violence and back again.• Emotional violence takes societies a long time to admit, combat, and understand.• Emotional-violence games are more easily won by women just as physical-violence g…


#Drink #Pain: 2017-12-10

• Drink your pain.• Dash your worry.• Drown your pride.• Dismiss your anger.• Dance your passion.


#Parts #Whole: 2017-12-09

• The materials to build a road are not a road, because the sum of the parts is not the whole.• The building materials for a house are not a house, because the sum of the parts is not the whole.• The ingredients to make beer or cake are not beer or cak…


#Three #Stages: 2017-12-08

• First, we experience; second, we have an amplification or magnification of what we experience; third, we find our experience to be positive, neutral, or negative based upon our amplification of it.• The problem is interrupting or short-circuiting thi…


#Buy #Happiness: 2017-12-07

• You cannot buy or find salvation, but you can serve virtue until salvation arrives on its own.• You cannot buy or find happiness, but you can serve virtue until happiness arrives on its own.• You cannot buy or find the path or the way, but you can se…
