#Love #Living: 2017-12-06

• If you are not loving people, then you are not loving God.• If you are not loving your life, then you are not living your life.• If you are not loving people, then you are not loving your self.• If you are not loving what you do, then you are not doi…


#Whining #Wrong: 2017-12-05

• Whining about wrongs should first examine the wrongs with whining.• Whining about others doing wrong forgets that whining is doing wrong.• Whining about wrong things forgets to confess that whining is a wrong thing.• Whining about wrong actions forge…


#Verbal #Experiential: 2017-12-04

• Battles between verbal and experiential realities are rarely exposed as such.• When verbal realities rule politics all possibilities for disaster are left open.• Verbal realities are a form of psychosis that a nation or person might prefer never to r…


#Names #Magic: 2017-12-03

• Naming is the Western version of magical and superstitious practices.• Calling something “stupid” (witch’s curse) does nothing to eliminate it but does cause resistance.• Naming mental disorders does nothing to end them but does a lot to promote thei…


#Win #Losing: 2017-12-02

• Victimhood pride is winning for losing.• Blaming and damning pride are limitless.• No easier way to claim superiority than to play victim.• Knowing better than people, places, and things assures a continuous supply of pride.• Failing is the easy path…


#Emotional #Violence: 2017-12-01

• Fear sees only the two roles of victim or perpetrator.• Fear chooses to perpetrate emotional violence rather than to receive it.• Fear controls conscience so that all that is important is avoiding emotional violence.• Fear fixates on finding and prom…


#Worry #Doubt: 2017-11-30

• Worry claims it exists for security, but worry is insecurity.• Doubt claims it exists for certainty, but doubt is uncertainty.• Depression claims it exists to fix the self, but depression destroys the self.• Blaming claims it exists for responsibilit…


#Path #Method: 2017-11-29

• There is no path that can lead you to love, you must love.• There is no method that can teach you to love, you must love.• There are no practices that can teach you to love, you must love.• There are no instructions, laws, meditations, prayers, proce…


#Energy #Cause: 2017-11-28

• Energy causes effort, but effort releases energy.• Energy causes motion, but motion dissipates energy.• Energy causes thought, but thought cannot cause energy.• Energy causes struggle, but struggle does not cause energy.• Energy is the source of ever…


#Redirect #Refocus: 2017-11-27

• Keep your eye on your self, not your ego.• Divert your time and energy to hosting, not becoming.• Awareness can be refocused onto your being from your self as thoughts a.k.a. self-esteem.• Continually redirect your attention to your self as the conta…
