#Wear #Weaken: 2017-09-30

• Joy will neither wear nor weaken you.
• Faith will neither burden nor fatigue you.
• Hope will neither disable nor distend you.
• Love will neither impoverish nor stress you.

• Forgiveness will neither weaken nor disquiet you.


#Perfect #Games: 2017-09-29

You can have perfect musical skills, but if you are lost in self-esteem games, then you will hit a wrong note.
You can have perfect practice of driving skills, but if you get triggered into self-esteem games, then you will drive poorly.
You can have perfect awareness of body language, but if you are absorbed in self-esteem games, then you will miss the cues.
You can have perfect training for how to play a sport, but if the other team triggers your self-esteem games, then you will play poorly.

You can have perfect knowledge of how to handle conflict, but if you are engrossed in self-esteem games, then you will mishandle the conflict.


#Evidence #Experience: 2017-09-28

No amount of physical evidence can produce or supply the physical experience.
No amount of physical evidence can construct or create the physical experience.
No amount of physical evidence can amount to or equal the physical experience.
No amount of physical evidence can compare to or match the physical experience.

No amount of physical evidence can comprise or correspond to the physical experience.


#Reality #Claims: 2017-09-27

Self-esteem is an imagal reality claiming to be a factual reality.
Self-esteem is a non-living reality claiming to be a living reality.
Self-esteem is a conceptual reality claiming to be a concrete reality.
Self-esteem is a verbal reality claiming to be a nonverbal reality.

Self-esteem is a narrative reality claiming to be an experiential reality.


#Real #Experience: 2017-09-26

• Self-esteem images of you are not real experiences of you.
• Self-esteem concepts of you are not actual experiences of you.
• Self-esteem self-talk and self-stories are not substantial experiences of you.
• Self-esteem objects and scripts about you are not authentic experiences of you.

• Self-esteem things and thoughts about you are not legitimate experiences of you.


#Arena #Attach: 2017-09-25

• Be the arena inside, not what is taking place inside the arena.
• Attach to the stadium inside, not to what is inside that stadium.
• Hold onto the amphitheater inside, not to what is inside that amphitheater.
• Be centered on the playhouse inside, not on what is inside that playhouse.

• Keep to the auditorium inside, not to what is happening inside the auditorium.


#Act #Without: 2017-09-24

• Act without an actor.
• Act without a self acting.
• Act without trying to act.
• Act without an acting self.

• Act without any claims of acting.


#Regret #Repent: 2017-09-23

• No one can act for you.
• No one can regret for you.
• No one can repent for you.
• No one can choose for you.

• No one can pick your identity for you.


#Space #Inside: 2017-09-22

• Be the space inside, not what is inside that space.
• Keep to the space inside, not what is inside that space.
• Attach to the space inside, not what is inside that space.
• Hold onto the space inside, not what is inside that space.

• Be centered on the space inside, not what is inside that space.


#Host #Thought: 2017-09-21

• The sky hosts the weather, and you host sensations, feelings, and thoughts.
• The Earth hosts animals, plants, and more, and you host sensations, feelings, and thoughts.
• The ocean hosts coral reefs, fish, and more, and you host sensations, feelings, and thoughts.
• The universe hosts asteroids, planets, stars, and more, and you host sensations, feelings, and thoughts.

• God hosts everything, because He is the Lord of Hosts; and you host sensations, feelings, and thoughts.
