#Dehumanize #Discount: 2017-09-20

• Self-esteem dehumanizes you into movie clips.
• Self-esteem dehumanizes you into drama pieces.
• Self-esteem dehumanizes you into story snippets.
• Self-esteem dehumanizes you into memoir scraps.

• Self-esteem dehumanizes you into memory fragments.


#Not #Talking: 2017-09-19

• I am not the conversations in my head, because I am the hotel or house for them.
• I am not the conferences in my head, because I am the space and place for them.
• I am not the communications in my head, because I am the host or vessel for them.
• I am not the consultations in my head, because I am the mirror or transceiver for them.

• I am not the comments in my head, because I am the container or entertainer for them.


#Never #Knows: 2017-09-18

• Self-esteem never knows what it says.
• Self-esteem never knows what it means.
• Self-esteem never knows what it repeats.
• Self-esteem never knows what it demands.

• Self-esteem never knows what it changes you into from one minute to the next.


#Exist #Without: 2017-09-17

• Can self-esteem exist without things?
• Can self-esteem exist without images?
• Can self-esteem exist without thoughts?
• Can human beings exist without thoughts?

• Can human beings exist without self-esteem?


#Imposter #Fraud: 2017-09-16

• Self-esteem is when the imposter wins.
• Self-esteem is when the con artist succeeds.
• Self-esteem is when the fraud is considered genuine.
• Self-esteem is when the fake is considered to be the original.

• Self-esteem is when the pretender passes for the real McCoy.


#Magic #Magical: 2017-09-15

• Self-esteem is magical thinking with no magical results.
• Self-esteem is fantastical thinking with no fantastic results.
• Self-esteem is chimerical thinking with only chimerical results.
• Self-esteem is imaginative thinking with only imaginative results.

• Self-esteem is transcendental thinking with no transcendental results.


#Weather #Storm: 2017-09-14

• Self-esteem is shamed by rain in your mind, but your self is not.
• Self-esteem is warmed by heat in your mind, but your self is not.
• Self-esteem is scared by storms in your mind, but your self is not.
• Self-esteem turns cold because of snow in your mind, but your self does not.

• Self-esteem is affected by the weather in your mind, but your self is not.


#Buddhism #Path: 2017-09-13

• (1) Ego is suffering, not life.
• (2) Ego is the cause of suffering, not desire.
• (3) The end of ego is the end of suffering, not the end of desire.
• (4) Right faith, hope, and charity are the path, not the necessary side effects of right action and living.

• Replacing material ego with spiritual or universal ego is the ultimate copout and failure to find liberation.


#About #Itself: 2017-09-12

• Self-esteem is about itself, not you.
• Self-esteem is about masks, not you.
• Self-esteem is about images, not you.
• Self-esteem is about concepts, not you.

• Self-esteem is about things and thoughts, not you.


#It #Caused: 2017-09-11

• The “it” superstition is used to blame things for “ruining” your day.
• The “it” superstition is used to blame events for causing your feelings.
• The “it” superstition is used to blame events for causing your reactions.
• The “it” superstition is used to blame things for your choosing to have a bad attitude.

• The “it” superstition is used to blame things for your choosing to break the law or to go against your values.
