#What #Who: 2017-09-01

• Life is never concerned with what and who you are.
• Events and experiences are never about what and who you are: just ego.
• Possessions and things are never about what and who you are: just ego.
• People only care about what and who you are in relation to what and who they think they are: their ego.

• God is never concerned with what and who you are, but only with what you feel, think, pray, say, and do.


#Gravestone #Games: 2017-08-31

• Self-esteem is your collection of gravestones.
• Self-esteem is a how-to for rewriting your gravestone.
• Self-esteem is a course on how to carve your gravestone.
• Self-esteem is the answer for what to put on your gravestone.

• Self-esteem is how to hide one gravestone with another gravestone.


#Gravestone #Games: 2017-08-31

• Self-esteem is your collection of gravestones.
• Self-esteem is a how-to for rewriting your gravestone.
• Self-esteem is a course on how to carve your gravestone.
• Self-esteem is the answer for what to put on your gravestone.

• Self-esteem is how to hide one gravestone with another gravestone.


#Mask #Game: 2017-08-30

• Self-esteem is the game of masks.
• Self-esteem is changing carnival masks.
• Self-esteem is believing in masks, not people.
• Self-esteem is mistaking the mask for the real.

• Self-esteem is claiming to be whatever mask it is convenient to be.


#Mask #Game: 2017-08-30

• Self-esteem is the game of masks.
• Self-esteem is changing carnival masks.
• Self-esteem is believing in masks, not people.
• Self-esteem is mistaking the mask for the real.

• Self-esteem is claiming to be whatever mask it is convenient to be.


#Feeling #Emotions: 2017-08-29

• You are feeling your body and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your mind and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your world and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your thoughts and calling that your emotions.

• You are feeling your inner world and calling that your emotions.


#Feeling #Emotions: 2017-08-29

• You are feeling your body and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your mind and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your world and calling that your emotions.
• You are feeling your thoughts and calling that your emotions.

• You are feeling your inner world and calling that your emotions.


#Rationalism #Empiricism: 2017-08-27

• Rationalism versus empiricism is a false dichotomy.
• Rationalism or deductive reasoning uses ideal forms (reason) to understand sensations or experience.
• Empiricism or inductive reasoning uses sensations or experience to understand ideal forms or reason.
• Both rationalism and empiricism use the ideal forms to reason with and discover knowledge.

• Both rationalism and empiricism use sensations or experience to make sense and discover knowledge.


#Rationalism #Empiricism: 2017-08-27

• Rationalism versus empiricism is a false dichotomy.
• Rationalism or deductive reasoning uses ideal forms (reason) to understand sensations or experience.
• Empiricism or inductive reasoning uses sensations or experience to understand ideal forms or reason.
• Both rationalism and empiricism use the ideal forms to reason with and discover knowledge.

• Both rationalism and empiricism use sensations or experience to make sense and discover knowledge.


#Rationalism #Empiricism: 2017-08-27

• Rationalism versus empiricism is a false dichotomy.
• Rationalism or deductive reasoning uses ideal forms (reason) to understand sensations or experience.
• Empiricism or inductive reasoning uses sensations or experience to understand ideal forms or reason.
• Both rationalism and empiricism use the ideal forms to reason with and discover knowledge.

• Both rationalism and empiricism use sensations or experience to make sense and discover knowledge.
