#Everything #Right: 2017-08-16

• Everything’s right but what’s right.
• Everything’s okay but what’s okay.
• Everything’s fine as long as it’s not ancient.
• Everything’s great as long as it’s not traditional.

• Everything’s acceptable as long as it’s not historical.


#Parasites #Burrow: 2017-08-15

• Anything that disturbs, hurts, or scares you becomes a weapon to infiltrate your heart, soul, and mind.
• Parasites scare you into suppressing them into your heart, soul, and mind so they can burrow in to stay.
• Parasites want you to try to control them, because you will fail and agree to suppress them into your heart, soul, and mind so they can burrow in to stay.
• Parasites want you to try to change them, because you will fail and agree to suppress them into your heart, soul, and mind so they can burrow in to stay.

• Parasites want you to try to correct, evolve, or improve them, because you will fail and agree to suppress them into your heart, soul, and mind so they can burrow in to stay.


#Self-talk #Skeptic: 2017-08-14

• When did you first disagree with your self-talk?
• When did you first recognize that your self-talk was not talking for you?
• When did you first become skeptical about the veracity of your self-talk?
• When did you first disagree with both sides of your self-talk at the same time?

• When did you first realize that your self-talk was your enemy and the friend of ego?


#Adults #Mindless: 2017-08-13

• Most adults are mindless bots seeking pleasures they barely enjoy.
• Most adults are mindless bots parroting ideas and slogans in the hopes of gaining prideful feelings.
• Most adults are mindless bots making life decisions like career and marriage by accident or chance.
• Most adults are mindless bots defending their ego attachments with irrational examples and excuses.

• Most adults are mindless bots having faith in beliefs and practices they don’t examine, understand, or knowingly choose.


#Feed #Trolls: 2017-08-12

• Don’t try to feel what your enemies want you to feel, because then they win.
• Don’t try to feel what the trolls want you to feel, because that is to feed the trolls.
• Don’t try to sense how others want you to feel; choose how you will feel regardless.
• Feeling bad often comes from not understanding the intention of others to put you down in order to feel superior to you.

• Don’t try to understand others by trying to feel what they want you to feel; understand others by understanding their intentions and ego payoffs.


#Superior #Inferior: 2017-08-11

• Adults are either talking superior or feeling inferior.
• Adults take turns playing sadist and masochist at work and home.
• Adults are easy to read and predict, because adults live to serve pride and to avoid shame.
• Adults have an appetite and hunger for pride that is stronger than all their other appetites and desires.

• Adults are either doing and saying something for pride, for superiority feelings, or escaping and avoiding inferiority feelings, shame.


#Memory #Reality: 2017-08-10

• The memory of a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The feeling about a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The judgment of a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The experience of a person is neither that person nor any other person.

• The impression about a person is neither that person nor any other person.


#Idea #Person: 2017-08-09

• The idea of a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The image of a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The thought of a person is neither that person nor any other person.
• The concept of a person is neither that person nor any other person.

• The categorization of a person is neither that person nor any other person.


#Self-esteem #Suicide: 2017-08-08

• Self-esteem is slow suicide.
• Self-esteem is death by slow poisons.
• Self-esteem is death by a thousand cuts.
• Self-esteem is death by a thousand poisons.

• Self-esteem is death by a thousand self-images.


#Wait #Light: 2017-08-07

• Faith is waiting for God to know and do for you in the present.
• Hope is waiting for God to know and do for you in the future.
• Charity is waiting for God to bring someone under or more under Spirit.
• Meditation is waiting on the Light to clean out your heart, soul, and mind.

• Prayer is waiting on Spirit to clean out your life.
