#Passive #Aggressive: 2017-08-06

• You can act passive to enable your aggressive self-attacks.
• You can act sadistic in support of your masochistic tendencies towards yourself.
• You can act assertive towards your aggressive self-downing for a good self-talk fight.
• You can act passive-aggressive towards your aggressive desires to play private mind games.

• You can act passive in order for your aggressive-passive responses to your ego to have more effect.


#Give #Gratitude: 2017-08-05

• The best expression of gratitude is giving to others.
• Giving is a form of gratitude for what you have to give.
• Give what you will gladly give or it is guilt, not giving.
• Gratitude for receiving is shown by giving, not just thanking.

• When you demonstrate your gratitude for what you receive by giving to others, you give others an opportunity for both gratitude and giving.


#Right #Focus: 2017-08-04

• Demanding those you hate fix your problems is a form of self-hate.
• Your dependence upon those you blame for your problems is your problem.
• Seeking to be rescued by the people you are against proves you to be their inferior.
• If those you want to change and control are so horrible, then you obviously plan to fail.

• Focusing your time and energy on those you claim are not helping the world is not how you help the world.


#Rely #Sensing: 2017-08-03

• Failing is thinking relying on thinking.
• Trying is thinking dominating sensing.
• Work is thinking guiding sensing.
• Success is sensing relying on sensing.

• Creativity is sensing relying on Energy.


#Self-Disturbed #Self-Annoyed: 2017-08-02

• Worrying causes the misery it is afraid of.
• Blaming causes the suffering it wants to stop.
• Damning causes the upset it claims to be against.
• Annoyance is the disturbance it is annoyed about.

• Disturbance as control or motivation is self-defeating.


#Annoy #Disturb: 2017-08-01

• The worriers are victims of their own worry.
• The blamers are victims of their own blaming.
• The damners are victims of their own damning.
• The annoyed are victims of their own annoyance.

• The disturbed are victims of their own disturbance.


#Victimhood #Whining: 2017-07-31

• Victimhood produces more negative, how can you not know that?
• Blaming and damning produce more negative, how can you not know that?
• Whining and worrying produce more negative, how can you not know that?
• Demanding and persecuting produce more negative, how can you not know that?

• Covering, damning, and trying produce more negative, how can you not know that?


#Hope #Belief: 2017-07-30

• Why have you put your faith in something negative?
• Why have you put your hope in something negative?
• Why have you invested your beliefs in negative ideas and thoughts?
• Why have you invested your prayers in negative ideas and thoughts?

• Why have you invested your habits, practices, and mental repetitions in negative things while expecting positive results?


#Teaching #Technique: 2017-07-29

• Spiritual methods try to still the stillness.
• Spiritual practices try to see the invisible.
• Spiritual teachings try to know the infinite.
• Spiritual procedures try to empty emptiness.

• Spiritual techniques try to hear the soundless.


#Method #Practice: 2017-07-28

• Spiritual methods try to trap the untrappable.
• Spiritual procedures try to tame the untamable.
• Spiritual teachings try to speak the unspeakable.
• Spiritual techniques try to catch the uncatchable.

• Spiritual practices try to control the uncontrollable.
