#Facts #Fictions: 2017-05-22

• To measure is to get a fact, not to know.
• To get a fact is to get data or knowledge, not understanding.
• To give a fact is to give information, not insight or understanding.
• Facts convey thoughts and thoughts covey directions where to look for experience or more thoughts.

• Facts exist on the verbal level of reality and never contact or perceive the higher sensation and energy levels of reality.


#Emotional #Responsibility: 2017-05-21

• No one but you can make you take things personally.
• No one but you can make you see things as important or not.
• No one but you can make you see things as being about your ego or not.
• No one but you can make you see things as being about your self-esteem story or not.

• No one but you can make you see things as being awful, horrible, terrible, comfortable, pleasant, or wonderful.


#Self-talk #Ego: 2017-05-20

• Self-talk is the ego grazing on pride wherever it can find it.
• Self-talk is the compulsive pursuit of pride from knowing-better-than.
• Self-talk serves ego pride (ego pleasure) even at the expense of ego shame (ego pain).
• Self-talk is finding excuses to know why things should not be the way that they are (pride).

• Self-talk is finding excuses to know why things should be different from the way that they are (pride).


#Useful #Thinking: 2017-05-19

• Could you enjoy a movie or a sunset with that attitude or mindset? If not, then stop using it for coping or problem solving.
• Could you drive a car or ride a bicycle with that attitude or mindset? If not, then stop using it for coping or problem solving.
• Could you practice carpentry or masonry with that attitude or mindset? If not, then stop using it for coping or problem solving.
• Could you paint a painting or write a poem with that attitude or mindset? If not, then stop using it for coping or problem solving.

• Could you express compassion, kindness, forgiveness, or understanding with that attitude or mindset? If not, then stop using it.


#Story #Self: 2017-05-18

• When you are some story, then you are at risk.
• When you are no story, then you are free to be.
• Have you ever wondered what you sacrifice to become a story?
• Have you ever wondered how you became a story instead of a being?

• Self-esteem and ego are based upon imaginary stories that never materialize and never become a shared experience.


#Stupid #Thinking: 2017-05-17

• You are not stupid, what is stupid is your thinking.
• You are not stupid, what is stupid is your relying on thinking to think.
• You are not stupid, what is stupid is your trusting in thinking to know.
• You are not stupid, what is stupid is your believing thinking can do anything but make noise.

• You are not stupid, what is stupid is your faith in thinking to be rational and reasonable without guidance.


#Self-absorbed #Self-centered: 2017-05-16

• No one is self-absorbed, but many people are ego-absorbed.
• No one is self-absorbed, but many people are absorbed in their ego-story.
• No one is self-absorbed, but many people are absorbed in their self-esteem plots and stories.
• No one is self-absorbed, but many people are absorbed in their self-esteem intentions and games.

• No one is self-absorbed, but many people are ego-employed, ego-engrossed, ego-focused, ego-immersed, ego-occupied, and generally lost in ego mind-games.


#Kind #Self: 2017-05-15

• If you don’t forgive yourself, then you will never fully forgive another.
• If you don’t treat yourself well, then you really won’t treat others well.
• If you don’t take care of yourself, then you won’t take proper care of others.
• If you won’t be kind to yourself, then you really don’t know how to be kind to others.

• Charity, forgiveness, and kindness begin at home and home is your own heart, soul, and mind.


#Question #Test: 2017-05-14

• The right answer requires the right question.
• We must question in order to explore, discover, and create.
• We must question in order to expose and reveal both lies and the truth.
• Beware anyone or anything who does not promote continual open questioning.

• Question your questions until you are granted inspiring, motivating, and uplifting questions.


#Question #Test: 2017-05-14

• The right answer requires the right question.
• We must question in order to explore, discover, and create.
• We must question in order to expose and reveal both lies and the truth.
• Beware anyone or anything who does not promote continual open questioning.

• Question your questions until you are granted inspiring, motivating, and uplifting questions.
