#External #Blame: 2017-05-03

• The external cannot enter the internal.
• The external cannot contact or touch the internal.
• Never blame the external for the state of the internal.
• The disturbance in the internal is due to some internal things—internal things that you can choose to analyze, cast out, contemplate, examine, feed, meditate, let pass, repeat, or reveal in the light.

• The external is used as a basis for examples, excuses, pressures, proddings, pulls, pushes, opinions, reasons, and temptations for self-disturbance, but the external never becomes an actual cause or a responsible force for the internal state.


#Advice #Slogans: 2017-05-02

• The slogans people promote are the slogans they need for themselves.
• The sayings people spread are the sayings they themselves are not following.
• The advice people give the world is the advice they themselves don’t follow.
• The catchphrases journalists think explain others, best explain the journalists.

• The mottos corporations want employees to follow are the mottos the corporations don’t follow.


#Burden #Host: 2017-05-01

• Your burden is to host the known, not to know.
• Your burden is to host the doing, not to do.
• Your burden is to host the Being, not to be.
• Your burden is to host the creating, not to create.

• Your burden is to host the changing, not to change.


#Never #Done: 2017-04-30

• You have never known anything.
• You have never done anything.
• You have never been anything.
• You have never created anything.

• You have never changed anything.


#Instant #Replay: 2017-04-29

• You don’t repeat bad songs, so why do you repeat bad ideas?
• You don’t replay bad music, so why do you replay bad thoughts?
• You don’t rehearse bad plays or scripts, so why do you rehearse bad moments from your life?
• You don’t rewind and rerun bad movies, so why do you rewind and rerun bad events from your life?

• You don’t reread bad books, so why do you reread bad thinking manuscripts, programs, and scripts?


#Internal #Misery: 2017-04-28

• All misery is internal.
• All causes for misery are internal.
• All sources for misery are internal.
• All experience of misery is internal.

• All responsibility for misery is internal.


#Right #Wrong: 2017-04-27

• Being right is no excuse for faultfinding.
• Being right doesn’t excuse behaving wrong.
• Knowing better should not translate into behaving worse.
• Claiming the higher ground does not provide license to act like the lower ground.

• Thinking you know what should be does not provide permission to behave as you should not.


#Give #Way: 2017-04-26

• The heart gives way to the body when the body should give way to the heart.
• The soul gives way to the body when the body should give way to the soul.
• The mind gives way to the body when the body should give way to the mind.
• The body puts its desires, lusts, and passions first neither caring for its own wellbeing nor that of the heart, soul, or mind.

• The ego puts its desires, lusts, and passions first without care for the wellbeing of the heart, soul, mind, body, social relationships, other species, or planet Earth.


#Motivate #Criticize: 2017-04-25

• Find a way to make your evaluation inspiring, else keep quiet.
• Find a way to make your assessment assuring, else remain silent.
• Find a way to make your judgment uplifting, else refrain from giving it.
• Find a way to make your analysis motivating, else refrain from sharing it.

• Find a way to make your criticism encouraging, else refrain from imparting it.


#Discredit #Beauty: 2017-04-24

• Beauty is the source of nothing.
• Beauty is the creator of nothing.
• Beauty fixes and solves nothing.
• Beauty provides neither answers nor path.

• Beauty is to be enjoyed, not credited with anything.
