#Science #Progress: 2017-04-23

• Humans claim to be rational, but what humans call progress is the destruction of their own habitat.
• Humans claim to be rational, but what humans call progress is science and technology at any price.
• Humans claim to be rational, but what humans call progress is the causing of the extinction of other species for the sake of science and its offspring: technology.
• Humans claim to be rational, but what humans call progress is the advancement of science, which is the source of all the evils humans cause their own planet.

• Humans claim to be rational, but what humans call progress is more science and technology with ever less responsibility for any of its effects and results from scientists and technologists.


#Cause #Create: 2017-04-22

• Non-thinking means that while you can entertain thoughts, you never cause or create thoughts.
• Non-doing means that you while you can host doing, you are neither the cause nor the creator of any doing.
• Non-knowing means that you while can host knowing, you are neither the cause nor the creator of any knowing.
• Non-being means that you refuse to regard your self or other human being as any concept, image, thing, thought, or story.

• Non-learning means that while you might be drawn to and held under by the good, you will never learn to honor and seek the good on your own.


#Trust #Disaster: 2017-04-21

• Trust in forms is trust in disaster.
• Trust in things is trust in ruination.
• Trust in images is trust in calamity.
• Trust in thoughts is trust in tragedy.

• Trust in objects is trust in catastrophe.


#Reason #Math: 2017-04-20

• Reason begins and ends with itself.
• Reason trusts right power, reason, and logic.
• Reason begins with equality and moves circumspectly until it returns again to equality.
• Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing are all basic skills employed by reason.

• Logic is order, sequence, and series; whereas, reason is holism, integrity, and unifying-consistent patterns.


#Switch #Helpful: 2017-04-19

• There is no fixing poisonous thoughts, you must switch from them.
• There is no coping with hurtful thoughts, you must switch from them.
• There is no problem-solving harmful thoughts, you must switch from them.
• There is no changing or controlling destructive thoughts, you must switch from them.

• All effort applied to toxic thoughts only feeds them, you must switch from them.


#Coping #Skills: 2017-04-18

5As of Coping1. Acknowledge what exists.2. Accept what exists.3. Accommodate what exists.4. Adjust to what exists.5. Adapt to what exists.


#Coping #Skills: 2017-04-18

5As of Coping1. Acknowledge what exists.2. Accept what exists.3. Accommodate what exists.4. Adjust to what exists.5. Adapt to what exists.


#Appearance #Beauty: 2017-04-17

• Beauty is often a skin for wrongdoing.
• Beauty is the favorite covering of evil.
• Beauty is often the appearance of good while evil bides its time and worms its way in.
• Beauty is no criterion for good but only for beauty, because beauty often serves to hide the ugly.

• Beauty is the hiding place of journalists, politicians, and the religious for their promotion of evil and profit.


#Way #There: 2017-04-16

• You cannot find your way there.
• You cannot think your way there.
• You cannot follow your way there.
• You cannot practice your way there.

• You cannot discover your way there.


#Blame #Complain: 2017-04-15

• I don’t want to judge your situation nor do I want to agree with any verdicts–can we please change the subject?
• The simple truth is that I don’t want to judge or damn another person, because it’s bad for my soul.
• By seeking agreement with your damning of another human being, you are seeking agreement with your own damning.
• By seeking support for your condemnation of another human being, you are seeking support for your own condemnation.

• By excusing and justifying your judging of another human being, you are also excusing and justifying the judging of your self—instead, stick to judging actions, feelings, and thoughts, not persons.
