#Praise #Opinion: 2017-04-14

• Does gold get its value from opinion or praise?
• Is the sun somehow different when people think differently about it?
• Is metal useful for tools by itself or only when opinion or praise makes it so?
• Are trees useful by the fact of their existence or only through opinion and praise?

• Do plants and weeds change their nature because of the opinions or praises of people?


#Self-righteous #Victimhood: 2017-04-13

• Friends might support your prideful victimhood—but your integrity will not.
• The world will support your self-righteous victimhood—but your soul will not.
• Family might support your prideful victimhood—but your true identity will not.
• Your beliefs might support your self-righteous victimhood—but your humanity will not.

• Your counselor or therapist might support your prideful victimhood—but your spiritual path will not.


#Define #Good: 2017-04-12

• The good when defined as beauty is a covering for the ugly.
• The good when defined as pleasure is a covering for pain and suffering.
• The good when defined as spirituality is a covering for spiritual ego and pride.
• The good when defined as respectability is a covering for greed, phoniness, and pride.

• The good when defined as morality is a covering for immorality and self-righteousness.


#Reasonable #Path: 2017-04-11

• Reason is the path to the good, because reason is the only pointer to Energy.
• Reason discovers the good while pleasure pretends to be the good.
• Reason discovers the good while beauty can only appear to be the good.
• Reason discovers the good while belief falsely claims to know and be the good.

• Reason discovers the good while practices falsely claim to discover and find the good.


#Faith #Reason: 2017-04-10

• Faith is the highest reason.
• Faith is Energy over matter.
• Faith is intention for the future.
• Faith is reasoning with Energy.

• Faith is contact with the divine and the infinite.


#Judge #Whine: 2017-04-09

• Thanks for wanting me to judge your situation, but to be fair, I will have to hear all sides first.
• Thanks for making me a judge and I’ll give you my opinion as soon as I have had a chance to hear the other side.
• I don’t want to judge your situation nor do I want to agree with any verdicts–can we please change the subject?
• I don’t have enough information to judge the matter nor do I want to judge it; therefore, let’s talk about something happier.

• Thanks for sharing your concern, perhaps I will hear more about it from the other side and developed a balanced view of it over time.


#Law #Attraction: 2017-04-08

• If the law of attraction were true, then little children would have all of their Christmas dreams come true.
• If the law of attraction were true, then obsessive-compulsive types would have all of their fears come true.
• If the law of attraction were true, then devoted worriers and anxiety-disordered types would have all of their irrational fears come true.
• If the law of attraction were true, then depressed persons would be changing and controlling the world, because few ever think as strongly and single-mindedly as depressed persons do.

• If you look for and find those who intensely, religiously, and rigorously believe what they think, such as paranoid-psychotic types, then it becomes self-evident that human thinking is not enough to create reality.


#Past #Memories: 2017-04-07

• Your imaginary audience for your past memories does not exist.
• Your imaginary audience for your past memories is not living in and judging your distorted memories.
• Your imaginary audience for your past memories does not care about yours but only their own fabrications.
• Your imaginary audience for your past memories cares about who and what they were, not who and what you were.

• Your imaginary audience for your past memories never has nor ever will hold your ideas, images, objects, and views of either yourself or themselves.


#Merge #Attach: 2017-04-06

• If you are still attached to something, then fighting it will only feed it.
• If you are still merged with something, then resisting it will only supply it.
• If you are still attached to something, then trying to change it will encourage it.
• If you are still joined with something, then trying to control it will only strengthen it.

• If you are still connected to something, then trying to correct it will only reinforce it.


#Faith #Energy: 2017-04-05

• Trust is faith in energy, not matter.
• Hope is faith in energy, not matter.
• Optimism is faith in energy, not matter.
• Confidence is faith in energy, not matter.

• Faith is experience in energy, not matter.
