#Works #Words: 2017-03-25

• Are you occupied with works or words?
• Are you occupied with deeds or damning?
• Are you occupied with building or blaming?
• Are you occupied with actions or arguments?

• Are you occupied with supporting or sabotaging?


#Says #Self-talk: 2017-03-24

• Self-talk says that you are helpless and weak which makes your self-talk not you.
• Self-talk says that you are ignorant and stupid which makes your self-talk not you.
• Self-talk says that you are broken and defective which makes your self-talk not you.
• Self-talk says that you are inadequate and worthless which makes your self-talk not you.

• Self-talk says that you are and an outcast and unwanted which makes your self-talk not you.

#Opinion #Ask: 2017-03-23

• God will never ask for your opinion about life.
• God will never ask for your opinion about God.
• God will never ask for your opinion about truth.
• God will never ask for your opinion about others.

• God will never ask for your opinion about yourself.


#Yourself #Who: 2017-03-22

• If you hate yourself, then who is hating?
• If you doubt yourself, then who is doubting?
• If you are talking to yourself, then who is talking?
• If you are ashamed of yourself, then who is ashamed?

• If you are fighting with yourself, then who is fighting?


#Judge #Experience: 2017-03-21

• Are you going to judge my life using your life for evidence while pretending to care?
• Are you going to judge my interactions using your interactions for evidence while pretending to be rational?
• Are you going to judge my perceptions using your perceptions for evidence while pretending to be sensible?
• Are you going to judge my experiences using your experiences for evidence while pretending to be objective?

• Are you going to judge my encounters using your encounters for evidence while pretending to be reasonable?


#Always #In: 2017-03-20

• If you are in life, then life is in you.
• If you are in time, then time is in you.
• If you are in the now, then the now is in you.
• If you are in the world, then the world is in you.

• If you are in relationship, then relationship is in you.


#Decrease #Return: 2017-03-19

• Decrease to rest.
• Decrease to return.
• Decrease to realign.
• Decrease to refocus.

• Decrease to readjust.


#Become #Attack: 2017-03-18

• You have made yourself into your abuse in order to abuse it.
• You have made yourself into your worry in order to worry about it.
• You have made yourself into your destruction in order to destroy it.
• You have made yourself into your complaint in order to complain about it.

• You have made yourself into your problems in order to give them problems.


#Deny #Defend: 2017-03-17

• Denial is giving free reign to what you fear.
• Repression is creating a safe haven for your enemies.
• The refusal to admit mistakes today is the refusal to prevent more mistakes in the future.
• Suppression is turning your back to your attacker, which makes you suffer more harm, not less.

• Focusing on the faults of others provides pride, and focusing on your own faults provides success.


#Couples #Cycle: 2017-03-16

• Dance Cycle: She attacks and he withdraws, because she demands contact and he demands protection.
• Punish Cycle: She attacks and he withdraws, because both want to deny the other’s need until they get their need met first.
• Hurt Cycle: She attacks and he withdraws, because both want to hurt the other until the other recognizes their hurt and needs.
• Fear Cycle: She attacks and he withdraws, because both are anxious and scared about exposing their needs to more disappointment and hurt.

• Anger Cycle: She attacks and he withdraws, because she is angry about not being comforted and soothed (understood), and he is angry about not being encouraged and supported (valued).
