#Spirit #Images: 2017-03-05

• Self-esteem spirits in your mind is what self-esteem concepts and images are.
• Self-esteem is a belief in spirits composed of your thoughts acting as if they were you.
• Self-esteem is a belief in spirits composed of your thoughts deciding on how you should live.
• Self-esteem is a belief in spirits composed of your thoughts acting as if they are recreating you each day.

• Self-esteem is a belief in spirits composed of your thoughts acting as if they decide who and what you are.


#Experience #Thinking: 2017-03-04

• Thinking about a past experience is having a thinking experience, not a sensing experience.
• Thinking about a present experience is having a thinking experience, not a sensing experience.
• Thinking about a future experience is having a thinking experience, not a sensing experience.
• Planning to have a fun experience is experiencing thinking, not an actual experience; and when it’s time for your fun experience, you’ll be thinking about another experience or the story about the experience you’re not having.

• The more educated you get, the more political you get, and the older you get—the more time you spend in thinking experiences and the less time you spend in sensing experiences a.k.a. the living dead.


#Ghost #Conspiracy: 2017-03-03

• Self-esteem’s self exists because you believe you have a ghost in your head.
• Self-esteem’s self exists because you believe you have an imaginary friend in your head.
• Your belief in self-esteem’s self is based upon less evidence than the wildest conspiracy theory.
• Your belief in self-esteem’s self is based upon a shared schizophrenic delusion that serves the demands of your society.

• Your belief in self-esteem’s self involves you in frequent paranoid panic-attacks about things you might or might not appear to be.


#Praise #Character: 2017-03-02

• Praise your child’s virtues, not their self or ego.
• Praise your child’s coping, not their self-concept.
• Praise your child’s sacrifices, not their acquisitions.
• Praise your child’s problem solving, not their self-image.

• Praise your child’s character, not their intelligence or beauty.


#Existential #CBT: 2017-03-01

• CBT is existential because it also believes in the freedom of choice.
• CBT is existential because it also believes in personal responsibility for behaviors.
• CBT is existential because it also believes in finding and experimenting with new perspectives.
• REBT is advanced existentialism because it teaches personal responsibility for feelings and behaviors.

• REBT is perfect existentialism because it teaches the unconditional acceptance of life (ULA).


#Immortal #Virtue: 2017-02-28

• Want the immortal? Want virtue.
• Want the immortal? Want wisdom.
• Possessions crumble, decay, rot, and rust.
• Achievements, fame, and fortune all fade, fail, and are forgotten.

• History is misattributed, misrepresented, and misunderstood until nothing real remains.


#Easy #Unhappiness: 2017-02-27

• Unhappiness is easy, you can be miserable in anticipation of misery.
• Unhappiness is easy, you can be upset in anticipation of upsetting news.
• Unhappiness is easy, you can be disturbed in anticipation of disturbance.
• Unhappiness is easy, you can be irritated in anticipation of irritating events.

• Unhappiness is easy, you can be annoyed in anticipation of annoying behaviors.


#Judge #Giving: 2017-02-26

• Judge each day not by the gifts that you received, but by the gifts that you gave.
• Judge each day not by the help that you received, but by the help that you gave.
• Judge each day not by the crops that you harvested, but by the seeds that you planted.
• Judge each day not by the kindness that you received, but by the kindness that you gave.

• Judge each day not by the compassion that you received, but by the compassion that you gave.


#Measure #Nothing: 2017-02-25

• No, silly left-brained scientists, the limits of human thinking do not constitute the limits of thinking.
• No, silly left-brained scientists, the limits of human perception do not constitute the limits of perception.
• No, silly left-brained scientists, just because humans cannot sense something is no proof that it does not exist.
• No, silly left-brained scientists, the limits of human understanding do not constitute the limits of understanding.

• No, silly left-brained scientists, just because humans cannot measure something is no proof that it does not exist.


#Left #Brain: 2017-02-24

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, human methods cannot capture the un-capturable.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, human measures cannot contain the uncontainable.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, human methods cannot criticize what is beyond their scope.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, human measures cannot measure anything beyond themselves.

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, human methods cannot understand methods beyond themselves.
