#Anthropocentric #Measures: 2017-02-23

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot measure the unknowable.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot change the unchangeable.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot compare the incomparable.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot use logic to map the unmappable.

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot break into pieces the unbreakable.


#Silly #Scientists: 2017-02-22

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot feel energy.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot see the invisible.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot locate emptiness.
• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot hear the soundless.

• Yes, silly left-brained scientists, humans cannot sense what is beyond human senses.


#Faith #Natural: 2017-02-21

• You cannot function in life without faith, but you might pretend by identifying faith as trust.
• You cannot function in life without faith, but you might disguise faith by calling it confidence.
• You cannot function in life without faith, but you might lie by labelling faith as assuredness or sureness.
• You cannot function in life without faith, but you might deceive yourself by reframing faith as belief, conviction, or credence.

• You cannot function in life without faith, but you might fake it by classifying or renaming faith as optimism or a positive outlook.


#Measure #Value: 2017-02-20

• Do you measure all that you do according to your highest values?
• Will you be happier if all of your actions follow your highest values?
• Do all of your intentions and motivations match your highest values?
• Will your relationships be better if all of your actions follow your highest values?

• If your highest values do not guide your choices, decisions, and plans- then what does?


#Happy #Content: 2017-02-19

• Happiness never exists without contentment.
• Unhappiness never exists without discontentment.
• Happiness is valuing what you have as enough (contentment).
• No matter how much you have, if you regard it as not enough (discontentment), then you’ll be unhappy.

• Happiness and unhappiness are not achievements, goals, possessions, products, results, or works- but states of mind.


#Seek #Advice: 2017-02-18

• Seek advice because right advice reinforces and reinitializes the virtues.
• Seek advice because right advice emphases virtue and exhorts to virtue.
• Seek advice because right advice links and networks the virtues together.
• Seek advice because right advice promotes the practice of virtues over vices.

• Seek advice because right advice plants seeds that lead to following the virtues.


#Mental #Static: 2017-02-17

• Is your thinking mainly mental noise or static?
• Is your thinking in the way of your experiencing?
• Is your thinking just a block to “being” and sensing?
• Is your thinking in the way of your consciousness of self?

• Is your thinking in charge or are you in charge of your thinking? Experiment and find out.


#How #Much: 2017-02-16

• How does your thinking improve your life or detract from your life?
• How much of your thinking is needed and how much is just distracting noise?
• How will your life change if you discard most of your thinking for being just disruptive or interfering noise?
• How can you balance your need for thinking with your need to experience being and sensing (two non-thinking states)?

• How will disputing the utility of your thinking help you to regain your authentic self and more time free of mental noises posing as yourself?


#Value #Eternal: 2017-02-15

• What is of value but that which leads to virtue?
• What is of value but that which only suffering can bestow?
• What is of value but that which cannot be purchased at any price?
• What is of value but that which clings to virtue despite all pulls and pushes away from virtue?

• What is of value but that which was before the world began and will be after the world ends?


#Conscious #Self-talk: 2017-02-14

• Self-talk, let’s see your previous results first, or you must stop talking.
• Self-talk, let’s see exactly what we are getting, or you must stop talking.
• Self-talk, without full-disclosure and transparency, you must stop talking.
• Self-talk, let’s see your motives and intentions first, or you must stop talking.

• Self-talk, without full awareness of what you are saying, I simply don’t trust you to speak.
