#Philosophy #Virtue: 2017-02-13

• Philosophy is reason for right virtue.
• Philosophy is reason for right behavior.
• Philosophy is not for arguing words, splitting hairs, twisting meanings, or making clever turns of meaning.
• Philosophy is for the elimination of the lowers passions in favor of deep and profound Reason and Spirit.

• Philosophy is the learning of communication skills, coping skills, emotional skills, problem-solving skills, and thinking skills all for the purpose of centering the heart, soul, and mind so as to be able to amplify eternal values and virtues.


#Desire #Poverty: 2017-02-12

• Desire poverty of self-images.
• Desire poverty of self-concepts.
• Desire poverty of self-talk.
• Desire poverty of self-stories.

• Desire poverty of self-scripts.


#Know #Nothing: 2017-02-11

• Be so poor that you know nothing inside.
• Be so poor that you do nothing inside.
• Be so poor that you are nothing inside.
• Be so poor that you have and own nothing inside.

• Be so poor that you claim, try, and become nothing inside.


#Poor #Thought: 2017-02-10

• Be poor of ego.
• Be poor of pride.
• Be poor of trying.
• Be poor of claiming.

• Be poor of becoming.


#Internal #Poverty: 2017-02-09

• The greatest poverty is not to know your poverty.
• Only the wise recognize and honor their inner poverty.
• Internal poverty is a good, because it means internal poverty of becoming something.
• You are always in a state of poverty, because God owns everything and you are only a caretaker of anything for a short time.

• You are always in a state of poverty, because you came into the world with nothing and you will leave the world with nothing.


#Listen #Hear: 2017-02-08

• You know what channel you are watching on TV, but do you know what channel you are watching in your mind?
• You know what channel you are listening to on the radio, but do you know what channel you are listening to in your mind?
• Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What did you just say? I didn’t hear all of it.”
• Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What do you want or intend? I am not sure I know.”

• Experiment with asking your self-talk or thinking, “What are you saying or thinking that I am or am not? I cannot tell who you think I am.”


#Desire #Virtue: 2017-02-07

• Virtue is beyond desire.
• Virtue is beyond thought.
• Virtue is beyond good and evil.
• Virtue is beyond comparison and duality.

• Virtue is beyond sensing, feeling, thinking, and remembering.


#Be #Don’t: 2017-02-06

• Don’t be your anger, be the host of your anger.
• Don’t be your pain, be the vessel holding your pain.
• Don’t be your fear, be the transceiver reflecting your fear.
• Don’t be your pleasure, be the container amplifying your pleasure.

• Don’t be your compulsion, be the place and space where your compulsion is experienced.


#Wait #God: 2017-02-05

• Be conscious as the vessel by identifying with your internal body or vessel.
• Pay attention to the contents of your inner container while remaining conscious of your container.
• Wait upon God to know the contents while being their host.
• Wait upon God to resolve the contents while being their container.

• Wait upon God to bring new contents while being His vessel.


#Choice #Attention: 2017-02-04

• You can control your identity, not anger.
• You can control your choices, not anxiety.
• You can control your attention, not desire.
• You can control what you amplify and host, not thought.

• Control what you can, not try to control what you cannot.
