#Control #Cause: 2017-02-03

• You cannot control the cause of anger; therefore, you cannot control anger.
• You cannot control the cause of desire; therefore, you cannot control desire.
• You cannot control the cause of anxiety; therefore, you cannot control anxiety.
• You cannot control the cause of thought; therefore, you cannot control thought.

• If you cannot control the cause of something, then that something is only an effect that you also cannot control.


#More #Less: 2017-02-02

• How is giving shit making for less shit?
• How is your obsession with shit making for less shit?
• How is your destroying me going to un-destroy you?
• How is your giving me shit going to make for less shit in you?

• How is your hoarding shit going to make for less shit in your life?


#Animals #Deaf: 2017-02-01

• Animals are deaf to virtue. Are you?
• Animals are deaf to ethics. Are you?
• Animals are deaf to conscience. Are you?
• Animals are deaf to abstract reasoning. Are you?

• Animals are deaf to standards of absolute good. Are you?


#Value #Disvalue: 2017-01-31

• Existentialism is right that behaviors, events, and things only start with a neutral value.
• Only Virtue can bestow a positive value on behaviors, events, and things.
• Only wickedness can bestow a negative value on behaviors, events, and things.
• Humans claim value and disvalue for behaviors, events, and things that have neither.

• Humans seek value from behaviors, events, and things that of themselves can never have value.


#Praise #Empty: 2017-01-30

• People praise something than seek it as if it had value independent of human belief.
• People often will strive for praise and rewards but despise them once they have them.
• People often seek something that was praised only to find it is empty and worthless once obtained.
• People will seek something of negative value as if it had positive value if other people first praised it.

• People will strive until they arrive and find that they were deceived by smoke and mirrors into believing nothing was something.


#Provide #Benefit: 2017-01-29

• Are you more concerned with getting than giving benefits?
• Are you more concerned with returning harms than benefits?
• Do you value benefits once received or only seek for better and more benefits?
• Do you seek to repay benefits with more than was received or do you seek to avoid repayment?

• Do you provide benefits freely or only to receive greater benefits in return?


#Grateful #Service: 2017-01-28

• Be grateful for the opportunity to do good works, because virtue feels good.
• Be grateful for the privilege of doing good works, because virtue will motivate you.
• Be grateful that you were empowered to do good works, because virtue will uplift you.
• Be grateful for the ability and capability to do good works, because virtue is spiritually rewarding.

• Be grateful that you got to serve virtue by doing good works, because virtue will improve everything meaningful about your life.


#Claim #Sunlight: 2017-01-27

• Sit in the sunlight or virtue and enjoy it, but you cannot honestly claim to be the sun or virtue.
• Sit in the sunlight or virtue and enjoy it, but you cannot honestly claim to cause or create the sun or virtue.
• Sit in the sunlight or virtue and enjoy it, but you will never get to change, control, or suppress the sun or virtue.
• Sit in the light of virtue while it accomplishes and creates through you, and afterward you’re still allowed to lie and claim for self-esteem that you did the work.

• Sit in the light of virtue while it accomplishes and creates through you, and give all glory and praise to Virtue and find your spiritual nature as non-doing.


#Increase #Suffering: 2017-01-26

• Easily increase your suffering by avoiding suffering.
• Easily increase your suffering by escaping suffering.
• Easily increase your suffering by blaming and damning suffering.
• Easily increase your suffering by fearing, resisting, or suppressing suffering.

• Easily increase your suffering by trying to control, change, or punish suffering.


#Make #Miserable: 2017-01-25

• Easily make yourself miserable by being angry about your anger.
• Easily make yourself miserable by being anxious about your anxiety.
• Easily make yourself miserable by being stressed about your stress.
• Easily make yourself miserable by being frustrated about your frustrations.

• Easily make yourself miserable by being depressed about your depression.
