#Choose #Forced: 2017-01-04

• You choosing to listen to negative self-talk or are you just a victim?
• You choosing to listen to negative self-talk or are you programmed to listen?
• You choosing to listen to negative self-talk or are you being pressured to listen?
• You choosing to listen to negative self-talk and enjoying some perverse ego payoff while doing so?

• You choosing to listen to negative self-talk so that you can blame, damn, and whine about how others make you to listen to it?


#Change #Marriage: 2017-01-03

• Before marriage: “Don’t you ever change.”
• During marriage: “You have to change.”
• During divorce: “You changed.”
• After divorce: “They totally changed.”

• Long after divorce: “I have to change.”


#Spend #Time: 2017-01-02

• Spend your life with people who inspire you.
• Spend your life with people who encourage you.
• Spend your life with people who lighten your load.
• Spend your life with people who help you to cope and problem solve instead of to blame, damn, and whine more.

• Spend your life with people who share a focus on and a love for God, virtue, and service.


#Soul #Stronger: 2017-01-01

• What makes your soul stronger? Do more of that this year.
• What makes your soul more itself? Do more of that this year.
• What makes your soul feel uplifted? Do more of that this year.
• What makes your soul larger and wider? Do more of that this year.

• What makes your soul deeper and higher? Do more of that this year.


#Soul #Focus: 2016-12-31

• Only good gives virtue and only virtue gives happiness.
• Focus on your soul, because that is where you serve virtue.
• Focus on your soul, because that is where the good can enter.
• Focus on your soul, because that is where you can intend to host the good.

• Focus on your soul, because that is where you can contact, feel, and enjoy the good.


#Reason #Unique: 2016-12-30

• Humans are different from animals and plants, because humans can choose to reason.
• Humans should specialize in the quality unique to humans: reasoning.
• Devotion to pleasure is something animals can do, what animals cannot do is to devote themselves to reason.
• Devotion to covetousness or greed is something animals can do, what animals cannot do is to devote themselves to reason.

• Devotion to drama, excitement, or stimulation is something animals can do, what animals cannot do is to devote themselves to reason.


#Suppress #Negative: 2016-12-29

• Excuses are a cover for suppressing negative choices or motivations.
• Justifications are a cover for suppressing negative outcomes or results.
• Ego defenses are a cover for suppressing negative desires or intentions.
• Rationalizations are a cover for suppressing negative facts or perspectives.

• Intellectualizations are a cover for suppressing negative emotions or thoughts.


#Absent #Past: 2016-12-28

• The past is absent.
• The future is absent.
• The last hour is absent.
• The next hour is absent.

• What is present but the present?


#Every #Peace: 2016-12-27

• Peace in every feeling.
• Peace in every thought.
• Peace in every action.
• Peace in every failure.

• Peace in every success.


#Ego #Grudge: 2016-12-26

• To forgive is to act against your ego.
• To hold a grudge is to feed your ego.
• To act mercifully is to act against your ego.
• To act vengefully is to feed your ego.

• To forgive is to accept your humanity in others.
