#Faith #Light: 2016-12-25

• Have faith in the Light to dissolve anything and everything ugly inside you.
• Have hope in the Light to keep and guide you under itself.
• Have charity for the Light by believing it is always right.
• Serving the Light is your greatest calling and purpose.

• Praising the Light is gratitude for your life in and by the Light.


#Primary #Principle: 2016-12-24

• The primary principle of virtue is affinity.
• The primary principle of love is agreement.
• The primary principle of memory is matching.
• The primary principle of mathematics is addition.

• The primary principle of living things is continuing their own kind.


#Safe #Inside: 2016-12-23

• If you are safe inside, then who can anger you?
• If you are safe inside, then who can attack you?
• If you are safe inside, then who can disturb you?
• If you are safe inside, then what can worry you?

• If you are safe inside, then what can depress you?


#Rebel #Incorporate: 2016-12-22

• Rebellion incorporates what it hates in order to fight it.
• Blaming incorporates what it targets in order to damn it.
• Whining incorporates what it blames in order to discredit it.
• Persecution incorporates what it damns in order to punish it.

• Innovation incorporates what it evolves in order to replace it.


#Unreal #Pain: 2016-12-21

• Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but that alone does not make it real.
• Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just ego paranoia.
• Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just an ego fantasy.
• Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just some self-esteem game.

• Something might be emotionally and psychologically painful, but it might also be just an imaginary ego conflict over inferiority and superiority.


#Exist #Ideas: 2016-12-20

• Can you exist without attaching to thoughts?
• Can you exist without psychological struggle or tension?
• Can you exist without psychological pulling, pushing, and trying?
• Can you exist without psychological blaming, claiming, covering, or damning?

• Can you exist without psychological demanding, expecting, persecuting, or regretting?


#Idea #Self: 2016-12-19

• Your idea of self as claiming to know something is not a human being.
• Your idea of self as trying to do something is not a human being.
• Your idea of self as claiming to be something is not a human being.
• Your idea of self based upon intending something that is not, is not your real self.

• Your ideas of self and other exist in your mind as concepts and images, not as human beings.


#Manage #Relationships: 2016-12-18

• Relationships are often about trying to manage someone else in order to manage yourself.
• Relationships are often about condemning and criticizing someone else instead of yourself.
• Relationships are often about trying to control someone else in order to control your emotions.
• Relationships are often about trying to fix someone else in order to fix your attitude and expectations.

• Relationships are often about trying to change someone else in order to change your self-esteem a.k.a. ego.


#Useful #Useless: 2016-12-17

• Is what you desire useful or useless for your values and virtues?
• Is what you desire helpful or harmful for your honesty and integrity?
• Is what you desire supportive or destructive for your freedom and intelligence?
• Is what you desire promoting or discouraging your self-control and responsibility?

• Is what you desire pragmatic or impractical for your emotional responsibility and maturity?


#Relationship #Issues: 2016-12-16

• If your self-talk is critical, then you will have relationship issues regarding criticism.
• If your self-talk is anxious, then you will have relationship issues regarding fear, trust, and worry.
• If your self-talk is negative, then you will have relationship issues regarding a lack of dreams, hope, and vision.
• If your self-talk is demeaning, then you will have relationship issues regarding depression, disrespect, and low self-esteem.

• If your self-talk is mean, then you will have relationship issues regarding arguing, controlling, dominating, and name-calling.
