#Energy #Logic: 2016-12-05

• Reason is energy over form.
• Reason is pattern first and detail second.
• Reason is an organizing principle or virtue.
• Reason is the intelligence that subsumes logic.

• Reason is energy directing thought into orderly forms.


#Dispute #Challenge: 2016-12-04

• 3Ps of Disputing: it is not personal; it is not productive; it is not practical.
• 3Rs of Disputing: recognize that it is not personal; remove it for being unproductive; replace it with something practical.
• Challenging, disputing, questioning, and testing your thinking for its results is part of a mature lifestyle.
• If your thinking is making your coping, feelings, problem solving, and responses worse, then it is time to give it up.

• If your thinking is hurting your attitude, productivity, and relationships, then it is time to switch to better thinking.


#Bear #Ugly: 2016-12-03

• Bearing your inner ugliness takes boldness and bravery.
• Bearing your inner ugliness takes fortitude and patient endurance.
• Bearing your inner ugliness takes courage, honesty, and a love of virtue.
• Bearing your inner ugliness takes faith and hope in the light of God.

• Bearing your inner ugliness takes an understanding of the power and purpose of the light to heal and make whole.


#Virtue #Reasons: 2016-12-02

• Virtues are reasons.
• Virtue is right reason.
• Virtues are reasoned principles.
• Virtues are examples of pure reasoning.

• Virtue is to reason as light is to goodness.


#Reason #Pure: 2016-12-01

• Reason is pure emotion.
• Reason is the highest passion.
• Reason cannot be exercised with low emotions or passions.
• Reason cannot be perceived with low emotions or passions.

• Reason cannot be appreciated or understood with low emotions or passions.


#Internal #External: 2016-11-30

• All valuable possessions are internal possessions.
• No external loss can compare to an internal loss.
• No external harm can compare to an internal harm.
• The loss of everything in the world does not mean the loss of anything internally.

• Damage to everything you own externally does not cause damage to anything you own internally.


#Think #About: 2016-11-29

• Thinking trying to control thinking for the purpose of coping is failing to think.
• Thinking trying to control thinking for the purpose of problem-solving is failing to think.
• Thinking trying to control thinking for the purpose of making more than one idea into one idea is failing to think.
• Thinking about thinking trying to pass for single-mindedness is hypocrisy and phoniness.

• Thinking about thinking trying to pass for single-mindedness is deception and double-mindedness.


#Person #Host: 2016-11-28

• Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Whose vessel am I?”
• Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Whose agenda do I serve?”
• Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Whose thoughts am I hosting?”
• Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Who benefits from what I am hosting?”

• Instead of asking “What concept or image am I now?” ask, “Who delivers and inspires what I am hosting?”


#Wherever #Go: 2016-11-27

• If wherever you go you are anxious or depressed, then you are choosing to entertain and host anxiety or depression.
• If wherever you go you are anxious or depressed, then you are choosing to amplify and magnify anxiety or depression.
• If wherever you go you are anxious or depressed, then you are secretly safeguarding and serving anxiety or depression.
• If wherever you go you are anxious or depressed, then you are carrying and containing anxiety or depression inside you.

• If wherever you go you are anxious or depressed, then look for your know-better-than payoffs a.k.a. pride for your maintaining anxiety or depression.


#Overcome #Warrior: 2016-11-26

• Overcome your negative desires with positive passions.
• All is driven by energy then passion then thought then action; therefore, rely on energy first.
• It is a gift to receive the energy and passion to overcome the lower desires and urges.
• To bear and face the negative while having energy and passion for the positive will always win in the end.

• The spiritual warrior stands their ground while the negative rages inside, because the warrior has faith in the virtue their heart is focused upon.
