#Self-Govern #Child: 2016-11-25

• If you do not self-govern, then you demand social governing.
• If you do not self-govern, then you are emotionally immature.
• If you do not self-govern, then you remain a victim of circumstances.
• If you do not self-govern, then you blame, damn, and whine about what controls you.

• If you do not self-govern, then you try to control the people, places, and things that you think are controlling you.


#Give #Thanks: 2016-11-24

• Let’s give thanks, not with gluttony, but with acts of charity.
• Let’s give thanks, not with personal pleasures, but with acts of self-sacrifice.
• Let’s give thanks, not with buying junk, but with acts of compassion and kindness.
• Let’s give thanks, not with watching sports, but by visiting the imprisoned and sick.

• Let’s give thanks, not with self-centered pampering, but by helping the aged, helpless, homeless, infirmed, orphans, and widows.


#Snake #Tail: 2016-11-23

• Self-talk is obsessed with itself.
• Self-talk is the snake eating its own tail.
• Self-talk motivates the thoughts that drive it.
• Self-talk motivates the emotions that drive it.

• Self-talk is like a plate of spaghetti or a ball made of rubber bands: it is chaotic and loopy.


#Ultimate #Cause: 2016-11-22

• Self-talk is the ultimate conditioner.
• Self-talk is the ultimate maintainer of ego.
• Self-talk is the ultimate cause of human responses.
• Self-talk is the ultimate arbitrator of what gets to be conscious.

• Self-talk is the ultimate cause of human habits and personalities.


#Pull #Push: 2016-11-21

• The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–self-awareness.
• The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–finding and knowing the self.
• The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–fixing and working on the self.
• The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–evolving and improving the self.

• The ego calls pushing and pulling on thoughts about the self–coping with and problem-solving issues of the self.


#Consider #Ego: 2016-11-20

• The ego considers giving attention to others a form of robbery or sacrifice.
• The ego considers caring for others the price one must pay to make others care more for you.
• The ego considers listening to others the price one must pay to make others listen more to you.
• The ego considers all time–not spent on itself as the focus of attention and concern–as lost and wasted time.

• The ego considers everything in terms of profit and loss for its needs to appear superior and to avoid appearing inferior.


#Claim #Know: 2016-11-19

• The ego claims a sense of self from opposition or struggles with other people.
• The ego claims a sense of knowing self from judging self as its physical responses.
• The ego claims a sense of knowing self from judging what should-be based upon what should-not-be.
• The ego’s concepts and images of self are about trying to be one self and not be its opposite.

• The ego combines claiming, knowing, opposing, and trying to form the thought-based self that causes the problems of the world.


#Desire #Lies: 2016-11-18

• Desire claims that the desired object will exist forever.
• Desire claims that the desired object will make you happy forever.
• Desire claims that once you posses the desired object, you will own it forever.
• Desire claims that the moment of experiencing and owning the desired object will last forever.

• Desire claims that the desired object will be forever exciting, satisfying, stimulating, and unchanging.


#Prize #Empty: 2016-11-17

• Do you prize what is truly valuable?
• Do you prize things in your house?
• Do you prize thoughts in your mind?
• Do you prize automobiles, clothes, compliments, fame, fortune, furniture, gifts, heirlooms, jewelry, praise, presents, promotions, recognition, rewards, titles, or trophies?

• Or do you prize what you can take with you when you leave: the gifts in your heart from God?


#Care #Free: 2016-11-16

• Happiness is freedom from care; this explains why the carefree child is happy.
• The more desires that you have, the more care and unhappiness you must have to fulfill your desires.
• The more expectations that you have, the more care and unhappiness you will have about what happens or does not happen.
• The more things and thoughts that you possess, the more care and unhappiness you must have to keep your things and thoughts.

• The more self-concepts and self-images that you possess, the more care and unhappiness you must have to protect your self-concepts and self-images.
