#Happiness #Nothing: 2016-11-15

• Nothing causes or brings happiness.
• There is no means or method to obtain happiness.
• Happiness is the state of mind that children are born with and adults must choose.
• Nothing grants happiness, because happiness is a lack of care for things and thoughts.

• The carefree are happy, because they live without care for things and thoughts by living under faith and hope.


#Own #Self: 2016-11-14

• Own your self rather than self-esteem.
• Own your self rather than fame or fortune.
• Own your self rather than a career or a title.
• Own your self rather than a family or a house.

• Own your self rather than other’s good opinions.


#Immoral #Dissatisfied: 2016-11-13

• Why punish the immoral who are not criminals when their life is punishment enough?
• The immoral are dissatisfied with themselves.
• The immoral are dissatisfied with their enemies, friends, and lovers.
• The immoral are dissatisfied with their social class, group, and society.

• The immoral are dissatisfied with what they desire, can get, have, and what is available.


#Shame #Social: 2016-11-12

• Shame is for society and guilt is for self.
• Shame is for the strong to bear and the weak to flee.
• A sense of shame works positively like a sense of humility does unless it is ego-based shame.
• Shame needs to be under the highest ideals and virtues else it serves ego, pride, self-esteem, and superiority.

• Shame and humility are necessary to keep one thinking well of others and praying for others rather than gathering pride to feed ego.


#Mind #Everything: 2016-11-11

• Your mind is everything you think.
• Your mind is everything you think it is.
• Your mind is everything you think it is not.
• Your mind is everything you think it should be and should not be.

• Your mind is the host for everything that you think, but your mind is nothing that you think, because your mind persists while your thoughts pass by.


#Know #Measurement: 2016-11-10

• The measurement is not the measured.
• Measurements are not forms of knowing.
• Measurement is not a form of knowing, but only a way to discover facts to manipulate.
• You can know a measurement, but that in no way indicates that you know what was measured.

• Measurement is technologically useful, but it is also misused for false claims and purposes such as by self-esteem.


#Past #Present: 2016-11-09

• Let them live in your past without you.
• Refuse to live in your past with your accusers or detractors.
• Those who cannot accept and see your new behaviors and habits are often those who cannot do that for themselves.
• There are those who desire your continued failure and wrongdoing as a means to boosting their superiority complex a.k.a. self-esteem.

• Those who do not believe in recovery, redemption, rehabilitation, or forgiveness are often self-righteous bigots working for your failure.


#Make #Stupid: 2016-11-08

• Acting stupidly does not make me stupid, but it does make the thinking I was following stupid.
• Being proved wrong does not make me wrong, but it does make the thinking I was following wrong.
• Making mistakes does not make me a mistake, but it does make the thinking I was following a mistake.
• An error in judgment does not make me an idiot, but it does call into question the thinking processes that I used to make that judgment.

• A misconception or misperception does not make me a fool, but it does call into question the thinking processes that I was relying upon.


#Dogs #Bark: 2016-11-07

• Dogs and humans bark for something to do.
• Dogs and humans bark for attention and contact.
• Dogs and humans bark to feel alive and important.
• Dogs and humans bark at what they are afraid of.

• Dogs and humans bark at what they don’t understand.


#Cannot #Overstudy: 2016-11-06

• Faith cannot be overstudied or over-learned.
• Hope cannot be overstudied or over-learned.
• Charity cannot be overstudied or over-learned.
• Integrity cannot be overstudied or over-learned.

• Virtue and compassion cannot be overstudied or over-learned.
