#Unhappy #Future: 2016-10-26

• To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future, is not to live now.
• To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future, is to regard the future as the present.
• To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future, is to value unhappiness over happiness.
• To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future, is to make the uncertain future more important than the certain present.

• To be unhappy now, because you might be unhappy in the future, is to consider the pride payoff of knowing better than what happens in the future more important than living happily now.


#Live #Now: 2016-10-25

• The idea or plan to live prevents living.
• You cannot wait to start living or you will never be living.
• You cannot create or find the situation that will make you start to live.
• You cannot find the person that will make you start to live other than in the mirror.

• You cannot find the experience or stimulation that will make you start to live more than just in an event, moment, occurrence, or practice.


#Experience #Reaction: 2016-10-24

• Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not adult humans.
• Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not choosing humans.
• Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not self-aware humans.
• Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not responsible humans.

• Experiences and events cause reactions in dead things, not emotionally mature humans.


#Ego #Self-esteem: 2016-10-23

• Don’t be ego, be your true self.
• Don’t be self-esteem, be your natural self.
• Don’t be self-images, be your original self.
• Don’t be self-concepts, be your authentic self.

• Don’t be pride or shame, be your genuine self.


#Universe #Choice: 2016-10-22

• Change, life, variation, and work cannot be created by or derived from a neutral universe: neutral is no choice.
• Pleasure and pain cannot be created by or derived from a neutral universe: neutral is no reaction or response.
• Caring, meaning, and purpose cannot be created by or derived from a neutral universe: neutral is no movement.
• Ethics, logic, morals, reasoning, and values cannot be created by or derived from a neutral universe: neutral is no standards.

• A neutral universe can only be understood as offering apathy, coldness, disinterest, indifference, nothingness, nullity, numbness, voidism, and zero.


#Control #Experience: 2016-10-21

• Experience cannot change experience.
• Experience cannot control experience.
• Experience cannot conform, contain, convert, convince, or correct experience.
• Experience can be used to conceal or cover experience.

• Experience can be used to compare, condemn, or criticize experience.


#Experience #Source: 2016-10-20

• Experience is not energy, power, or spirit.
• Experience is not the cause of experience.
• Experience is not the source of experience.
• Experience is not the designer, inventor, or maker of experience.

• Experience is not responsible for experience; therefore, experience can have no guilt or shame for itself.


#Pride #Payoff: 2016-10-19

• Is the pride payoff from being right worth its mental and relationship miseries?
• Is the pride payoff from arguing and fighting worth its mental and relationship miseries?
• Is the pride payoff from whining and worrying worth its mental and relationship miseries?
• Is the pride payoff from blaming and damning worth its mental and relationship miseries?

• Is the pride payoff from controlling and demanding worth its mental and relationship miseries?


#Problem #Problems: 2016-10-18

• The problem is the problem, because you seek and turn to the problem.
• The problem is the problem, because you have faith and hope in the problem.
• The problem is the problem, because you try to fix and solve the problem with the problem.
• The problem is the problem, because you give your attention, energy, and time to the problem.

• The problem is the problem, because you focus on and rely on the problem to organize your life and story.


#Mind #Problem: 2016-10-17

• The mind can make health into more of a problem than sickness.
• The mind can make fame into more of a problem than obscurity.
• The mind can make advantage into more of a problem than disadvantage.
• The mind can make fortune or riches into more of a problem than poverty.

• The disturbed mind moves to any circumstances, events, happenings, locations, occasions, places, or situations to make them disturbed as it is.
