#Focus #Experiences: 2016-10-16

• Focusing on changing existing experiences will cause more problems, not solve problems.
• Focusing on controlling existing experiences will cause more problems, not solve problems.
• Focusing on concealing or covering existing experiences will cause more problems, not solve problems.
• Focusing on condemning or criticizing existing experiences will cause more problems, not solve problems.

• Focusing on conforming, converting, or correcting existing experiences will cause more problems, not solve problems.


#Communicate #Caring: 2016-10-15

• You communicate when the other person views you as caring.
• You communicate when the other person views you as engaged.
• You communicate when the other person views you as empathic.
• You communicate when the other person views you as attentive and connected.

• You communicate when the other person views you as objective, professional, or rational.


#Admit #Mistake: 2016-10-14

• Admitting a mistake is better than making an excuse for a mistake.
• Apologizing without excusing is better than apologizing while excusing.
• Making amends is better than apologizing without making amends.
• Responsibility is constant despite circumstances; however, there are demanding circumstances that can circumvent previous plans.

• Step one: admit the mistake was a mistake; step two: offer a plan to prevent the mistake in the future; step three: offer a way to make amends for the mistake.


#Capitalism #Government: 2016-10-13

• Capitalism puts profit first and focuses on benefits to the economy over any other benefits.
• Capitalism exists in and corrupts all systems of government whether communist, democractic, dictatorship, Islamic, monarchal, republic, socialist, sultanate, or theocracy.
• Benefitism is putting benefits first as they are defined in a hierarchal order such as: planet, people, civilization, economy.
• Capitalism is destroying the world through corporations and governments.

• Benefitism can save the world through corporations and governments.


#Happiness #Unhappiness: 2016-10-12

• Happiness is valuing what you have as enough.
• Unhappiness is valuing what you have as not enough.
• Happiness never exists without contentment.
• Unhappiness never exists without discontent.

• Happiness and unhappiness are not achievements, actions, goals, possessions, products, results, or works–because they are states of mind.


#Integrity #Stress: 2016-10-11

• Integrity means your ship sails through rough waters without breaking apart.
• Integrity means holding together under stress, which means you do the right thing anyway.
• Integrity means you stand by your ideals and values despite circumstances and pressures to surrender them.
• Integrity means you stand by your experience of your authentic self despite family and friends making you out to be someone or something else.

• Integrity means you stand by your experience of your authentic self despite educational, social, or spiritual conditioning to view yourself otherwise.


#Reasons #Excuses: 2016-10-10

• Reasons are probable causes for your not doing what you promised to do.
• Reasons are probable causes for your doing what you should not have done.
• Excuses are things to blame for your not doing what you should have done for the sake of saving face.
• Excuses are things to blame for your not doing what you promised to do for the sake of your not appearing bad, foolish, or weak.

• Excuses serve ego while reasons serve understanding and acceptance.


#Alone #Present: 2016-10-09

• Can you experience the present alone or only with the past or future?
• Does the present exist for you by itself or only with either the past or future?
• You get lost in the past and future sometimes, but how often do you get lost in the present moment?
• Are you the slave of thought so that you are never free of thought to just be present?

• Is it your ego feeding that keeps you flipping back forth between the past, present, and future?


#Be #Yourself: 2016-10-08

• You need to defend your right to be yourself.
• You need to give yourself permission to be yourself.
• You need to accept that society wants you to be anyone but yourself.
• You need to accept that formal education wants you to become anyone but yourself.

• You need to accept that being yourself will neither please everyone nor be an easy way to live in society.


#Imitate #Talent: 2016-10-07

• When you imitate others you become a mask.
• When you imitate a genius you become stupid.
• When you imitate the famous you become boring.
• When you imitate the talented you become mediocre.

• When you imitate the rich you you become a poor soul.
