#Reattach #Curiosity: 2016-09-26

• Detach from conditioning and reattach to awe.
• Detach from knowing and reattach to curiosity.
• Detach from ego and reattach to your original nature.
• Detach from expectations and reattach to acceptance.

• Detach from fame and fortune and reattach to genuineness and spontaneity.


#Detach #Disconnect: 2016-09-25

• Detachment is not disconnection.
• To detach is to stop identifying with.
• To disconnect is to ignore and isolate.
• Detach your self from life, and you learn to feel, hear, and see life again.

• Detach your self from others, and you learn to feel, hear, and see others again.


#Contact #Self: 2016-09-24

• Contact another person’s self with your self, and contact yourself.
• Contact another person’s self with your self, and awaken another person.
• Contact another person’s self with your self, and help heal another person.
• Contact another person’s self with your self, and contact the community of humanity.

• Contact another person’s self with your self, and you encourage and support that person.


#Don’t #Suppress: 2016-09-23

• Escape it, don’t suppress it.
• Switch from it, don’t suppress it.
• Let the destructive go while following its opposite to fruition.
• Amplify virtue without suppressing immorality, and virtue will rule immorality.

• Follow higher principles while not suppressing lower principles, and higher principles will rule lower desires, motives, and principles.


#Stories #Sell: 2016-09-22

• You have no self or story, but only ego, fantasies, and delusions.
• You cheat, lie, murder, and steal for stories despite their lack of evidence or proof for being real.
• You are motivated by story in order to gain and possess ego pleasure, but you reap only delusion.
• You talk from your story to them while they listen to their own story despite both stories being unreal.

• You entertain bad stories for your enemies and good stories for your friends, but there are no real or true stories for humans.


#Thinking #Turns: 2016-09-21

• Thinking hills are mountains will not turn hills into mountains.
• Thinking trees are mountains will not turn trees into mountains.
• Thinking rivers are mountains will not turn rivers into mountains.
• Thinking clouds are mountains will not turn clouds into mountains.

• Thinking flowers are mountains will not turn flowers into mountains.


#Way #Thought: 2016-09-20

• The way cannot be found with thought.
• The way cannot be shared with thought.
• The way cannot be taught with thought.
• The way cannot be sought with thought.

• The way cannot be practiced with thought.


#Profit #First: 2016-09-19

• Lizard logic is profit-first logic.
• Profit first is beneath primitive.
• Worst decision ever is the profit-first decision.
• Profit first is the enemy of humanity and sanity.

• Profit first is the enemy of life and sustainability.


#Seek #Smart: 2016-09-18

• Smart is seeking health, not fame.
• Smart is seeking peace, not advantage.
• Smart is seeking eternal life, not riches.
• Smart is seeking equality, not superiority.

• Smart is seeking truth and wisdom, not acceptance or approval.


#Repeat #Magic: 2016-09-17

• Repeating thoughts does not magically make them into reality.
• Repeating thoughts does not magically empower them to be creative.
• Repeating thoughts does not magically give them power to change reality.
• Repeating thoughts does not magically give them control over other thoughts.

• Repeating thoughts does not magically give them power to change, fix, or rewrite the past.
