#Work #Rest: 2016-08-27

• Work to rest.
• Serve to rule.
• Let go to obtain.
• Fall down to rise up.

• Be under to be on top.


#Wrong #Right: 2016-08-26

• What have you already sacrificed to your being right?
• What are you willing to continue to sacrifice to your being right?
• Have you chosen to hurt people rather than to stop insisting that you are right?
• Have you chosen to ruin relationships rather than to stop insisting that you are right?

• Have you chosen to turn people against you rather than to stop insisting that you are right?


#Value #Valueless: 2016-08-25

• Can you value the utility of human futility?
• Can you value the worth of human worthlessness?
• Can you value the usefulness of human uselessness?
• Can you find profit in recognizing human unprofitability?

• Can you find it fruitful to confess the fruitlessness of human endeavors?


#Thinking #Reasoning: 2016-08-24

• Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only ego feeding?
• Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only noise making?
• Why call it thinking when it is not a reasoning process but only ego serving?
• Why call it thinking when it is not a reasoning process but only the chatter of thought feeding itself?

• Why call it thinking when it is not a rational process but only thought replacing self for the sake of pride and self-esteem?


#Explain #Teach: 2016-08-23

• The nature of wisdom cannot be discerned, explained, or taught, because it is of Energy, not thought.
• The nature of skill and talent cannot be discerned, explained, or taught, because they are of Energy, not thought.
• The nature of genius and intelligence cannot be discerned, explained, or taught, because they are of Energy, not thought.
• The nature of ability and performance cannot be discerned, explained, or taught, because they are of Energy, not thought.

• The nature of creativity and spontaneity cannot be discerned, explained, or taught, because they are of Energy, not thought.


#Intelligence #Verbal: 2016-08-22

• Verbal intelligence cannot compete with sense intelligence.
• Verbal intelligence cannot compete with sound intelligence.
• Verbal intelligence cannot compete with feeling intelligence.
• Verbal intelligence cannot compete with energy intelligence.

• Verbal intelligence cannot compete with balance, sight, taste, touch, or nonverbal intelligence.


#Method #Death: 2016-08-21

• All knowing is of thought and reinforces thought as your life, which makes all knowing against your life as emptiness.
• All methods of self-improvement are of thought and reinforce thought as your life, which makes all methods against your life as inner host.
• All becoming and evolving is of thought and reinforces your thoughts as your life, which makes all becoming against your life as inner vessel.
• All practices and rituals are of thought and reinforce thought as your life, which makes all practices and rituals against your life as inner container.

• All pride and beliefs in superiority and uniqueness are of thought and reinforce thought as your life, which makes all pride and beliefs in superiority and uniqueness against your life as quietude and stillness.
