•1 The highest value is to be for life, and the lowest value is to be against life.
•2 Life is only valued if it is valued at its beginning, middle, and end.
•3 Once you excuse devaluing life at any stage because it is a burden or an inconvenience, then it becomes easier to devalue life at any other stage for similar reasons.
•4 There are times that force a choice between valuing one life over another and what these exceptions, extremes, and rarities prove is that the general rule is generally true: all life must be valued at every stage.
•5 If you can exterminate fetuses, then you can exterminate chronically-ill persons; if you can exterminate chronically-ill persons; then you can exterminate people who are suffering; if you can exterminate people who are suffering, then you can exterminate aged persons; if you can exterminate aged persons, then you can exterminate people with genetic defects or low IQ; if you can exterminate people with genetic defects or low IQ, then you can exterminate people with the wrong ideology.