1. Contain, host, magnify, mirror, reflect, and serve worry and you will get more worry; instead, switch to acceptance, faith, hope, proactive planning, reasonable concern, or surrender to God.
2. Contain, host, magnify, mirror, reflect, and serve shame and you will get more shame; instead, switch to compassion, forgiveness, learning, positive correction, realistic regret, and understanding.
3. Contain, host, magnify, mirror, reflect, and serve depression and you will get more depression; instead, switch to compassion, forgiveness, learning, sadness that is not sick, self-care, and understanding.
4. Contain, host, magnify, mirror, reflect, and serve anger and you will get more anger; instead, switch to accepting, adapting, coping, problem-solving, mild annoyance, redirecting your energy, and solution seeking.
5. Contain, host, magnify, mirror, reflect, and serve severe disappointment or regret and you will get more severe disappointment or regret; instead, switch to accepting, adapting, acclimating, accommodating, adjusting, learning, lowering expectations, mild displeasure, proactive planning, and understanding.