#Price #Pride: 2018-08-19

•1 One price of pride is choosing to know and be right about failing instead of humbly succeeding.•2 One price of pride is choosing to know and be right about being miserable instead of humbly enjoying life.•3 One price of pride is choosing to know and…


#Unknown #Source: 2018-08-18

•1 A vessel does not know where the water that is poured into it comes from, or where the pouring went after the vessel is filled.•2 Spirit cannot be described or known as something, or it would not be Spirit; however, Spirit can be experienced on one …


#Avoid #Mind: 2018-08-17

#Avoid #Mind: 2018-08-17•1 People will chew gum in order to keep their mind on chewing instead of clouding an activity they are reflecting.•2 People will bite their lip in order to keep their mind from distracting their focus from some action they are …


#Glorify #God: 2018-08-16

•1 There is one source for glory: God.•2 There is one target for glory: God.•3 Adoration, credit, devotion, glory, honor, praise, love, majesty, and worship are all good.•4 The problem is that people do not apply glory only to God when all glory belong…


#Automatic #Living: 2018-08-15

•1 I am reflecting.•2 Reflecting is what I know, do, and am.•3 As long as I am alive, I am automatically reflecting.•4 There is nothing I can do to reflect, and there is nothing I can do to stop reflecting other than to die physically.•5 I can keep awa…


#Being #Human: 2018-08-14

•1 Human knowing consists of the target of human awareness.•2 Human doing consists of the action of human awareness.•3 Being human consists of the awareness of one’s human nature as a reflector (container, host, transceiver, vessel).•4 Humans often cla…


#Teach #Mind: 2018-08-13

•1 Listen to a stream to teach your mind that it is not controlling or creating the sound, because the sound is too intricate and variable to predict.•2 Watch clouds float by to teach your mind that it is not doing, forming, or knowing the clouds, beca…


#Right #Spite: 2018-08-12

•1 Suicide is being right in spite of the cost: death.•2 Addiction is being right in spite of the cost: chaos.•3 Material pride is being right in spite of the cost: the loss of self.•4 Spiritual pride is being right in spite of the cost: the loss of sa…


#Asceticism #Suffer: 2018-08-11

•1 Asceticism for the purpose of surrendering to God is right asceticism: suffer well.•2 Asceticism for the purpose of experiencing helplessness in order to turn your will over to God is right asceticism: suffer well.•3 Asceticism for the purpose of ex…


#Life #Value: 2018-08-10

•1 The highest value is to be for life, and the lowest value is to be against life.•2 Life is only valued if it is valued at its beginning, middle, and end.•3 Once you excuse devaluing life at any stage because it is a burden or an inconvenience, then …
