#Perfect #People: 2018-07-01

• Perfect ideals like “no borders” or “open borders” require perfect people to work.• Perfect ideals like Anarchy and “no governments” require perfect people to work.• Perfect ideals like Socialism and “a guaranteed wage” require perfect people to work…


#Solve #Problems: 2018-06-30

• To find success, stop creating and feeding self-defeating problems.• To feel empowered, solve or cope with some of your problems.• To become valuable to others, first become valuable to yourself by solving some of your own problems.• To become respon…


#Mind #People: 2018-06-29

• What if you discovered that the people arguing in your mind were not you?• What if you discovered that the people having a bad day in your mind were not you?• What if you discovered that the people feeling anxious and upset in your mind were not you?…


#Discover #Inside: 2018-06-28

• What if you discovered that your self-talk was your only enemy?• What if you discovered that your self-talk was serving its own interests instead of yours?• What if you discovered that your self-talk was acting like your boss without any authority to…


#Discover #Inside: 2018-06-28

• What if you discovered that your self-talk was your only enemy?• What if you discovered that your self-talk was serving its own interests instead of yours?• What if you discovered that your self-talk was acting like your boss without any authority to…


#Pleasure #Levels: 2018-06-27

• The lowest pleasure is ego pleasure, which is pleasure in knowing. (The pleasure is the same though the knowing can be positive or negative: high self-esteem or low self-esteem, pride or shame, good or evil, superior or inferior.)• The next level is …


#Standard #Exceptions: 2018-06-26

• Finding a few rare or unusual cases in order to disprove a rule only works to prove that it is a reliable rule but not an absolute rule.• To pretend that a few rare or unusual cases negate a rule is to claim that exceptions and variations are the sta…


#Switch #Sensations: 2018-06-25

• Can you switch your sensations?• Can you therapize your sensations?• Can you accept and let your sensations go?• Can you calm and comfort your sensations?• Can you detach your identity from your sensations and return it to your host or vessel nature?…


#Source #Sensations: 2018-06-24

• When you experience sensations from your body as coming from your body and not from your mind or world, then your mind can more easily cope with and problem-solve those sensations as needed.• When you experience sensations from your world as coming f…


#Detachment #Sensations: 2018-06-23

• Detachment is the second most important skill that you can learn to improve your mental health, and detachment is learning to distinguish and separate your various sensations from each other.• Detaching your external world sensations from your intern…
