#Non-Doing #Trying: 2017-07-27

• No doing, no not doing.
• No trying, no not trying.
• No wanting, no not wanting.
• No becoming, no not becoming.

• Sensing sensing.


#First #Saw: 2017-07-26

• Your first eyes saw.
• Your first ears heard.
• Your first hands touched and felt.
• Your first nose smelled and first tongue tasted.

• Now your thinking interprets, interrupts, and senses for your eyes, ears, hands, nose, and tongue.


#Reflect #Mirror: 2017-07-25

• There is no one to see in the mirror but ego.
• Seeing the mirror is self, not the reflection.
• Seeing that you are seeing is witnessing self.
• The emptiness of self is the capability of self to sense, to mirror.

• The non-doing of self is the way self does not interfere with its sensing so that it can properly mirror.


#Key #Way: 2017-07-24

• If your key is in the wrong lock, it won’t work.
• If your key is fragile or worn out, it won’t work.
• If your key is made wrong or misshaped, it won’t work.
• If your key is badly chipped, bent, or broken, it won’t work.

• Make sure you have the right key for the right lock or wait until you do.


#Ego #Prison: 2017-07-23

• Self-images are pictures on the walls of your prison.
• Self-concepts are words carved into the walls of your prison.
• Self-esteem is the euphemistic name for the prison of your ego.
• Self-stories are avoidances and escapes from awareness of your prison.

• No matter how well you clean and decorate your prison, your prison will fail you in the end.


#Feel #Pain: 2017-07-22

• Feel the pain until it becomes your prayer.
• Feel the pain until you surrender it to Energy.
• Feel the pain so that you sense what you sense.
• Feel the pain so that healing forces are activated.

• Feel the pain until you stop trying to change or control it; and, instead, turn it over to God.


#Radio #Station: 2017-07-21

• A radio does not cause the music that it receives and resends.
• A radio cannot pretend to broadcast music that it does not receive.
• A radio must broadcast the music that it receives or it is a broken radio.
• A radio can switch stations, but not change or control the music on any available station.

• A radio can be turned off so that it receives nothing, but it must share when it is turned on.


#Mirror #Cause: 2017-07-20

• A mirror cannot change what it reflects.
• A mirror does not cause what it reflects.
• A mirror cannot control what it is reflecting.
• A mirror can be hidden so that it reflects nothing.

• A mirror can be switched to reflecting something better.


#Threat #Sense: 2017-07-19

• No matter the threat, I will sense that I sense.
• No matter the threat, I cannot cause what I sense.
• No matter the threat, I cannot change what I sense.
• No matter the threat, I will not repress what I sense.

• No matter the threat, I cannot alter the results of what I sense.


#Happiness #Plan: 2017-07-18

• Wishing for happiness in the future is planning for unhappiness now.
• Planning for happiness in the future is preventing happiness in the present.
• Waiting for your “ship to come in” is failing to unload your ship sitting at the dock.
• Waiting for luck or opportunity to strike is failing to stake out possibilities all around you.

• Focusing on your challenges and obstacles as the causes of your unhappiness is to give them authority, control, and power that they do not otherwise have.
