#Focus #Positive: 2017-05-13

• Don’t forget the mistake, do focus on the lesson.
• Focus on what you can do right, not on what you can do wrong.
• Focus on your strengths and talents, not on your weaknesses and inabilities.
• Focus on what you can do right now, not on what you should have done or could do.

• Yes, a focus on the positive is needed, but always along with a recognition of and a detachment from the negative.


#How #Feel: 2017-05-12

• Don’t ask how something makes you feel; instead, ask why you make things personal.
• Don’t ask how something makes you feel; instead, ask why you make things so important.
• Don’t ask how something makes you feel; instead, ask why you make things about your ego.
• Don’t ask how something makes you feel; instead, ask why you make things about your story.

• Don’t ask how something makes you feel; instead, ask why you make things awful, horrible, or terrible.


#Superior #Pleasure: 2017-05-11

• Are pleasure and pain superior to you such that they come before you?
• Are pleasure and pain superior to your integrity such that they come first?
• Are pleasure and pain superior to your attitude such that they are prioritized above it?
• Are pleasure and pain superior to your ethics and values such that they override them?

• Are pleasure and pain superior to your common sense, feelings, practicality, reason, responsibility, social nature, or tranquility?


#Signal #Source: 2017-05-10

• Do not try to control inputs or signals.
• Do not try to control channels or sources.
• Do not try to control channeling or hosting.
• Do not try to control amplifying or magnifying.

• Do not try to control discovering, exploring, or following out.


#Freedom #Procedure: 2017-05-09

• Freedom for your inner self is an absolute requirement for living as an authentic being.
• Control of what you spend your time on is an absolute requirement for living as an authentic being.
• You need both freedom and control, but only when each is rightly directed and focused.
• Freedom is necessary for being, creating, doing, experiencing, living, and sensing.

• Control is useful for informational descriptions, directions, explanations, procedures, and specifications.


#Law #Rule: 2017-05-08

• Laws and rules are good for choices and procedures, but bad for your being (host, self).
• You need to control what your self is focused upon by switching your focus, but you must never try to control your self (being, host).
• To try to control what you are amplifying, exploring, and following out is to try to destroy your hosting nature (being, host, self, transciever).
• To relate to forces trying to control how and what you host (amplify, explore, and follow out) is to lose your hosting nature to false identities as things and thoughts.

• When you relate with your being (host, identity, self) to being controlled, you will respond in kind and become the problem of control that you’re fighting against.


#Control #Controller: 2017-05-07

• If you conform to controls, then you conform as something and are destroyed as that thing, for example, as being an adherent or a supporter.
• If you resist being controlled, then you resist as something and are destroyed as that thing, for example, as being the opposition or an outcast.
• If you act the opposite of the controls, then you act as something and are destroyed as that thing, for example, as being a criminal or personality disorder.
• If you rebel against controls, then you rebel as something and are destroyed as that thing, for example, as being a member of an opposing movement or party.

• If you avoid or escape being controlled, then you avoid or escape as something and are destroyed as that thing, for example, as being an eccentric or a runaway.


#Process #Thought: 2017-05-06

• Look not to thinking, but look to the processes that are guiding thinking.
• Thinking is an expression of logic and reason, but thinking itself has no logical or reasoning abilities.
• Thinking is often a byproduct of intelligent processes; therefore, don’t mistake thinking for intelligence.
• Thinking often occurs when other processes are guiding and ruling; therefore, don’t mistake thinking for higher processes.

• Trusting in thinking is like trusting in the materials and tools used by a carpenter instead of in the skill and talent of the carpenter.


#Thinking #Logic: 2017-05-05

• Thinking is not logic.
• Thinking is not reason.
• Thinking is not insight.
• Thinking is not wisdom.

• Thinking is not understanding.


#Experience #Internal: 2017-05-04

• Your body exists in the external world and your self exists in the internal world.
• Your body seeks in the external world and your self seeks in the internal world.
• Your body experiences the external world and your self experiences the internal world.
• Your body finds satisfaction in the external world and your self finds satisfaction in the internal world.

• Your body experiences pleasure and pain in the external world and your self experiences pleasure and pain in the internal world.
