#Take #Stand: 2017-04-04

• Defend, not attack.
• Support, not damn.
• Stand up, not retreat.
• Promote, not demote.

• Stand for, not against.


#Take #Time: 2017-04-03

• Take time to exercise now else take time to diet later.
• Take time to experience now else take time to regret later.
• Take time for your health now else take time for your doctor later.
• Take time for your spiritual life now else take time for remorse later.

• Take time for your family now else take time for shame and sorrow later.


#Enough #More: 2017-04-02

• Enough is sufficient and more is lust.
• Enough is mature and more is immature.
• Enough is fullness and more is emptiness.
• Enough is satiation and more is starvation.

• Enough is satisfaction and more is dissatisfaction.


#Expect #Return: 2017-04-01

• Do you borrow integrity from yourself and expect to repay it?
• Do you borrow love and peace from yourself and expect to repay them?
• Do you borrow sanity and support from yourself and expect to repay them?
• Do you borrow honesty and spirituality from yourself and expect to repay them?

• Do you borrow encouragement and uplifting activities from yourself and expect to repay them?


#Repay #Borrow: 2017-03-31

• Do you borrow time from yourself and expect to repay it?
• Do you borrow sleep time from yourself and expect to repay it?
• Do you borrow alone time from yourself and expect to repay it?
• Do you borrow eating time from yourself and expect to repay it?

• Do you borrow exercise time from yourself and expect to repay it?


#Talk #Think: 2017-03-30

• Thinking talking in my mind is not about you.
• Thinking talking in my mind is not about your story.
• Thinking talking in my mind is not about your talking.
• Thinking talking in my mind is not about your becoming.

• Thinking talking in my mind is not about changing or knowing you.


#Thinking #Talking: 2017-03-29

• Thinking talking is not about me.
• Thinking talking is not about my story.
• Thinking talking is not about me talking.
• Thinking talking is not about becoming me.

• Thinking talking is not about knowing, doing, or being me.


#Story #Narrative: 2017-03-28

• What self-narratives and self-stories are you living in while you edit, criticize, and rewrite them?
• Where are your self-narratives and self-stories from the past that you no longer believe in or repeat in your self-talk?
• Who is living your self-narratives and self-stories from the past that you no longer believe in or repeat in your self-talk?
• Do your self-narratives and self-stories get stored in some mystical library or do they just dissolve like all delusions and illusions?

• Yes, self-narratives and self-stories can be used to self-direct and self-motivate, but that does not make ego-stories necessary, real, sane, or spiritual.


#Experiment #Learn: 2017-03-27

• Whoever does not fail does not work.
• Whoever does not test does not improve.
• Whoever does not explore does not discover.
• Whoever does not experiment does not learn.

• Whoever does not take risks does not succeed.


#Belief #Reason: 2017-03-26

• Do your beliefs come from brainwashing a.k.a. schooling—or from your reasoning them through?
• Do your beliefs come from conditioning, training, and upbringing—or from your reasoning them through?
• Do your beliefs come from habit and an unwillingness to change—or from your reasoning them through?
• Do your beliefs come from chance, like the chance of what religion you were born into—or from your reasoning them through?

• Do your beliefs come from accident, like the accident of the culture and time period that you were born into—or from your reasoning them through?
