#See #Thinking: 2018-12-15

•1 You see your thinking as if it was what you were seeing on the outside.•2 You hear your thinking as if it was what you were hearing on the outside.•3 You touch your thinking as if it was what you were touching with your hand.•4 You taste your thinki…


#Piano #Self: 2018-12-14

•1 Be the piano, not the music.•2 Be the piano, not the one playing the piano.•3 Be the piano, not the one listening to the music.•4 Be the piano, not the one composing the music.•5 Be the piano, not the false claims that kill the piano.


#Fallible #Human: 2018-12-13

•1 Error is required.•2 Stress is a given.•3 Fallibility is reality.•4 Suffering is the path to success.•5 Learning to adapt, adjust, acclimate, and accommodate is life.


#Earnest #Sincere: 2018-12-12

•1 Do you know any adult who is earnest to the point of fault?•2 Do you know any adult who nearly always says what they mean and means what they say?•3 Do you know any adult who when they say they are going to do something that you can count it like th…


#Hurt #Self: 2018-12-11

•1 If you think they are ignorant or stupid, then why do you use their words to hurt yourself?•2 If you think they are defective or broken, then why do own what they say causing yourself hurt feelings?•3 If you think they are weak or hopeless, then why…


#Mind #Matters: 2018-12-10

•1 Matter is mind but mind is not matter.•2 Mind doesn’t matter but all matters mind.•3 Mind over matter but never matter over mind.•4 The more something matters the more it is mind and not matter.•5 The more something doesn’t matter the less it is min…


#Parenting #Teaching: 2018-12-09

•1 Parents teach little children that for every negative or positive you send out you are likely to get an equal negative or positive back, which means for every response expect an equal response from the opposite, other side, or target.•2 Parenting ad…


#Other #Mirror: 2018-12-08

•1 If you don’t like the way someone is behaving, then chances are you need to stop behaving that way.•2 If you think some principle is needed in the world, then chances are you need to start following that principle.•3 If you don’t like the way someon…


#Human #Nature: 2018-12-07

•1 Human nature can never learn a different way.•2 Human nature can make no changes or progress.•3 Human nature cannot be anything but itself: a servant of death, darkness, and disintegration.•4 Human nature can be led by the good to choose the good, e…


#Accept #Meditation: 2018-12-06

•1 When you meditate, accept distraction and wait on Energy.•2 When you meditate, accept discomfort and wait on the Light.•3 When you meditate, accept interference and wait on Energy.•4 Meditation without acceptance is another ego control-strategy.•5 M…
