#Focus #Forget: 2017-01-14

• Don’t forget the mistake, do focus on the lesson.
• Don’t forget the betrayal, do focus on right trust.
• Don’t forget the disaster, do focus on prevention.
• Don’t forget the offence, do focus on forgiveness.

• Don’t forget the problem, do focus on the solution.


#Own #Life: 2017-01-13

• Own your scripts, own your life.
• Own your choices, own your life.
• Own your reactions, own your life.
• Own your emotions, own your life.

• Own your inner space, own your life.


#Wait #Inspire: 2017-01-12

• Self-talk, either say something inspiring or wait.
• Self-talk, either say something uplifting or be quiet.
• Self-talk, either say something helpful or say nothing.
• Self-talk, either say something encouraging or just listen.

• Self-talk, either say something informative or just observe.


#Change #Control: 2017-01-11

• Instead of change it—decrease it.
• Instead of control it—divorce it.
• Instead of suppress it—detach it.
• Instead of trying to work on it—distance from it.

• Instead of blaming, damning, or whining—deconstruct it.


#Weak #Attitude: 2017-01-10

• Weak attitudes lead to weak careers.
• Weak attitudes lead to weak choices.
• Weak attitudes lead to weak character.
• Weak attitudes lead to weak compassion.

• Weak attitudes lead to weak communication.


#Choose #Peace: 2017-01-09

• Choose the action that brings peace, not pride.
• Choose the action that brings harmony, not efficiency.
• Choose the action that brings centeredness, not correctness.
• Choose the action that brings serenity, not fame or fortune.

• Choose the action that brings integrity, not adjustment or approval.


#Effective #Outcomes: 2017-01-08

• The beginner starts with noticing the effects of their self-talk.
• The student makes their self-talk worse through control, trying, and suppressing.
• The adept makes their self-talk start to follow morality more and more through surrender.
• The teacher has their self-talk under virtue, not ego or self-esteem.

• The wise has their self-talk responsible for virtuous results.


#Kind #Compassion: 2017-01-07

• To be honest, make your self-talk honest.
• To be kind, make your self-talk kind to you.
• To be virtuous, make your self-talk virtuous to you.
• To be inspirational, make your self-talk inspire you.

• To be compassionate, make your self-talk compassionate to you.


#Sensing #Waiting: 2017-01-06

• Sensing is waiting.
• Sensing is contacting.
• Sensing is meditating.
• Sensing is experiencing.

• Sensing is relying on Energy.


#Self-discipline #Overcoming: 2017-01-05

• Maturity begins with mature self-talk.
• Self-mastery begins with mastering self-talk.
• Spirituality begins with spiritualizing self-talk.
• Self-discipline begins with disciplining self-talk.

• Overcoming ego begins with overcoming self-talk.
