•1 Pride a.k.a. ego pleasure comes from claiming to know or to know better than another.
•2 It is far easier to find fault than it is to find value; therefore, it is far easier to claim to know bad, evil, or ugly than it is to know good, virtue, or beauty.
•3 Our addiction to the negative comes from our addiction to pride, to claiming to know evil from good.
•4 Know that the tools of pride are to blame, compare. complain, condemn, correct, criticize, curse, damn, find fault, judge, ostracize, point the finger, reject, renounce, and whine.
•5 Know that the tools of humility are to be slow to speak, care, empathize, forgive, give the benefit of the doubt, listen, live and let live, practice non-claiming to know, practice nondoing, show compassion, show kindness, think charitably about others, and understand.