#Sense #Sensations: 2018-07-21

•1 The sense is not the sensing.•2 The sensing is not the sensations.•3 The sensations are not the recognition.•4 The recognition is not the categorization.•5 The things that you sense, have sensations about, recognize, and categorize are not your sens…


#Race #Person: 2018-07-20

•1 No person is a race, and no race is a person.•2 Race does not exist except as a set of bodily characteristics a group of humans is likely to have as part of their physical makeup, not as a part of the makeup of their self.•3 Yes, we can discuss huma…


#General #Semantics: 2018-07-19

•1 The cooking is not the cooked.•2 The artist painting is not the painting.•3 The expressed is not the experienced.•4 The strategy is not the strategic move.•5 The musical score is not the musical sound.


#Special #Unique: 2018-07-18

•1 No person is different, special, or unique, because there exists only one human nature; however, people regularly have different, special, or unique experiences.•2 No person is different, special, or unique, because there exists only one human natur…


#Fix #Problems: 2018-07-17

•1 You will not fix your psychological problems.•2 Your body will not fix your psychological problems.•3 Your mind will not fix your psychological problems.•4 Your trying with helpers, methods, practices, or rituals will not fix your psychological prob…


#Fix #Problems: 2018-07-17

•1 You will not fix your psychological problems.•2 Your body will not fix your psychological problems.•3 Your mind will not fix your psychological problems.•4 Your trying with helpers, methods, practices, or rituals will not fix your psychological prob…


#Law #Rule: 2018-07-16

•1 Controls, directions, guides, laws, rules, and shoulds cannot do what they are about.•2 Controls, directions, guides, laws, rules, and shoulds cannot teach you to do what they are about.•3 Controls, directions, guides, laws, rules, and shoulds are o…


#Rule-based #Death: 2018-07-15

•1 Rule-based art is no art.•2 Rule-based love is no love.•3 Rule-based creativity is no creativity.•3 Rule-based spirituality is no spirituality.•5 Rule-based skill or talent is no skill or talent.


#Shared #Self-talk: 2018-07-14

•1 The most interesting thing about human couples is that they combine their individual self-talk patterns into one shared pattern with split roles for each partner.•2 Men and women pair up knowing instinctively who shares and who does not share compat…


#Dehumanize #Thingify: 2018-07-13

•1 Esteeming is only done between egos, because human nature is identical and one; esteem all humans equally lest you reify any.•2 Judging is only done between egos, because human nature is identical and one; quit thingifying yourself and others as jud…
